In this assignment, you will read and evaluate an article on age discrimination, “New Evidence on Age

In this assignment, you will read and evaluate an article on age discrimination, “New Evidence on Age Bias in Hiring, and a Push to Fight It” published in the New York

Purpose: In this assignment, you will read and evaluate an article on age discrimination,

“New Evidence on Age Bias in Hiring, and a Push to Fight It” published in the New York

Times on June 7th, 2019. While we did not cover age discrimination explicitly in class, you

are expected to draw upon papers, concepts, and topics discussed in class.


1. Read the article on age discrimination, “New Evidence on Age Bias in Hiring, and a Push to Fight It” published in the New York Times on June 7th, 2019.

2. Critically evaluate the article:

• In roughly 300 words argue why the points set forth in the article point to discrimination against older workers in the labor market.

• In roughly 300 words argue why the points set forth in the statement do NOT point to discrimination against older workers in the labor market. Draw some reasoning from at least one paper discussed in class to support your reasoning.

• As part of your evaluation above don’t forget to mention whether the evidence presented points to taste or statistical discrimination, or whether the article neglects to draw a difference. Do not forget to cite paper in the text and also in a bibliography.

3. Critically evaluate any one of the following policy ideas (roughly 300 words) to help reduce discrimination against older workers. Cite at least 1 paper discussed in class as part of your evaluation. • Banning employers from asking about age in job applications. • Banning exclusionary advertising (the article mentions this in the context of the complaint against Facebook’s policy of allowing employers to target job wanted adds to certain groups).

4. Revise your draft. • Check: does each paragraph express one clear idea? Do you tell the reader what that idea is in a topic sentence? • To make sure that your writing is concise and clear, as you work on polishing a final draft, take a word count of each paragraph, and then cut 10% of the words. • Print your final draft and read it out loud to help you identify spots where the language or ideas could be clearer.

Format: You have 900 words to say everything you want to say. Write freely and then revise to express your ideas clearly and concisely. You should include a bibliography and in-text citations. The bibliography does not count toward the word limit.

You do not need to write an introduction or conclusion. Be sure that each paragraph states its focus in a topic sentence.

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