Indicate and name a digital paradox in a clear way that captures the attention of readers interested in digital marketing.

Indicate and name a digital paradox in a clear way that captures the attention of readers interested in digital marketing.

Indicate and name a digital paradox in a clear way that captures the attention of readers interested in digital marketing. The paradox may be a paradox listed in Mick and Fournier (1998) or in the MKT 3508 class PPT, e.g., the paradox of “efficiency/inefficiency.”

Application of the Paradox (50%)Illustrate the digital paradox with examples from modern life. Do not use examples from Mick and Fournier (1998) or the class PPT.

Implications (25)%Explain the relevance or potential importance of this digital paradox to marketers and/or consumers.

Style and Format (15%)Write in the manner and tone of a digital marketing consultant. Meet a high standard of grammar, spelling, style and readability. Use a maximum of 1 page.…

Solution preview for the order on indicate and name a digital paradox in a clear way that captures the attention of readers interested in digital marketing.Indicate and name a digital paradox in a clear way that captures the attention of readers interested in digital marketing.


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