Description of Assignment: Select 4 media examples of propaganda based on the various lessons that you encounter during the course

Description of Assignment: Select 4 media examples of propaganda based on the various lessons that you encounter during the course

Follow the instructions here to a tee and use whichever theme is easiest for you. 4 examples of the same theme 300 words each in a word doc. Thanks

Propaganda Journal/Commentary 20%

Students develop a Media Journal/Commentary comprising a selection of media examples that they encounter during the course of the semester that respond to a seminal concept in a select weekly module.

This assignment is designed to develop and apply your knowledge of propaganda acquired through this course. It also allows you to apply the theories and examples to media that you encounter in your daily life.

For this semester our focus will be on the four following themes:

A Major sporting event happening this academic year (including the 2022 football World Cup games)
Current trends on TikTok (from the current Winter semester)
Celebrities and their activities on social media, in the news, in their work, etc.) (from the Current Winter, 2023 semester)
Your socialization through propaganda consumed in childhood (television, music, films, toys, etc)
Select one of these above themes as your semester’s choice and relate current media that you encounter during the course of the semester to your theme. Your media examples should be based on your growing understanding of ‘what is propaganda’.

There is a minimum of 4 entries. Examples can include Memes, Ads, PSAs, News, Headlines, street and other forms of public messaging etc. Use one media example for each entry: (4 entries = 4 examples).

Media examples from selected categories (above) should have been encountered during the course of this semester (dates and sources of media examples should be noted).

Description of Assignment: Select 4 media examples of propaganda based on the various lessons that you encounter during the course. All examples should relate to one selected theme above. For each media example, develop an informed 300-word discussion that shows your application and understanding of core themes of the lessons to your media example. Relate the example to a lesson in an informed, critical way. Your posts may respond to any of the following:

How can your example be read through a specific aspect of a selected lesson?
What does your example say about propaganda?
Show how your learning of propaganda informs your reading of this media example.
The journal/commentary will be in the format of a submitted Word document (using the upload feature, similar to the response paper and midterm exam). Students will be able to include pictures, links (no embedded videos). For this assignment, it is suggested that you develop a complimentary word document throughout the semester and upload the completed assignment onto the course portal by the due date. Please refer to the course agenda for the deadline for this assignment.

Assignment guidelines:

Minimum entries: Four (4). Identify your example. Sources for each example should be noted.

Grading: Identify your chosen theme and the lesson to which you are relating your example: This assignment will be graded on the following:
1. The pertinence of your example in relation to propaganda;
2. The use of selected lessons and course themes in your discussion;
3. The quality of the discussion of your example

Answer preview for Description of Assignment: Select 4 media examples of propaganda based on the various lessons that you encounter during the course

Description of Assignment: Select 4 media examples of propaganda based on the various lessons that you encounter during the course


1242 Words

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