Describes several excellent resources for improving one’s adjustment

Describes several excellent resources for improving one’s adjustment

Please respond to the following:

Chapter 1 in your text book describes several excellent resources for improving one’s adjustment: Chapter 1 in your text book describes several excellent resources for improving one’s adjustment: Mental Health Professionals; National Support Groups; Self-Help Books; the Internet.

After reading about all of these resources,

1. Choose ONE of these four options and explain how you could apply it to a problem you are experiencing. (If you do not wish to discuss anything about yourself you may apply it to someone else in your life). (150 words)

2. Why did you choose this particular method over the other three? What are the advantages of using this method and what might be some disadvantages? (150 words)

Note: Discussion responses may include information from your personal life, discussion about your friends’ or family members’ lives, or examples from life in general. You are not required to solely use personal examples if you are not comfortable doing so.

Please use your OWN WORDS to answer discussion questions. Do not cut and paste from a secondary source!

Please number your answers #1, #2 so I can easily locate your answers. Thank you!

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Adjustment is the behavioral process in which humans use to maintain a balance among their needs and the obstacles that they face.  This starts when a need arises and ends once that need is fulfilled. Adjustment disorder can happen at any age. It’s a condition that develops because of……………………………
469 Words
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