Describe your evaluation tool or method and provide support using APA format as to how it targets a specific behavior associated with the

Describe your evaluation tool or method and provide support using APA format as to how it targets a specific behavior associated with the

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Chapter 12 stresses the importance of testing the efficacy of the techniques you implement with Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Following the progress of group members using “ongoing collection of data before, during, and after each group session” (Corey, 2023, p. 267) is stressed as an important aspect of continuous feedback on the therapeutic progress.

Since CBT is about changing thoughts -> feelings –> actions/behaviors, then it is important to identify what behaviors need to be changed and if improvements are made as a result of the group process. As such, utilizing an effective evaluation tool is important. In SWK 7703, you identified an evaluation tool related to a specific diagnosis of your choice. You will need to apply those same research principles as it relates to the diagnoses listed below.

Based on the first letter of your last name, research a CBT tool that would be appropriate to the common diagnosis provided for your group members as described. What is a common BEHAVIOR of that group that would be a good target for change? What tool would you want to use, or what type of behavior would you want to monitor for improvement?

A-G: Trichotillomania (group of adolescent-young adult females w/ this common diagnosis)

H-M: Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (group of adolescent females w/ this common diagnosis)

N-S: Stress/Self-Esteem issues related to Erectile Disorder (group of adult males ages 40+ w/ this common diagnosis)

T-Z: Pica (group of male or female adults w/ this common diagnosis)

1) Research Your Disorder – From the list above, research the disorder related to the first letter of your last name. What are some of the symptoms, causes, behaviors, prevalence, etc. related to this disorder? What are some of the negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors/actions associated with this disorder that would be of target for improvement?

2) Research an Evaluation Tool – Conduct research to see if there are existing tools associated with this disorder or targeted behaviors. Make sure to search for the name of your disorder or identified behavior(s) along with terms such as questionnaire, survey, inventory, etc. You may have to search several times using a string of key words until you find something useful. If there is not an item that specifically addresses what you are looking for, then you may have to modify an existing tool to meet your needs. You may even have to create something that will help fit the needs of your group.

As stated in the text multiple times, CBT is a measurable treatment option where certain behaviors are targeted for improvement. How can you prove that your group intervention methods are creating positive change and are effective?

3) Describe your Evaluation Tool or Method – Provide a written summary of your evaluation tool or evaluation method in APA format. – 30 points

  • Describe your evaluation tool or method and provide support using APA format as to how it targets a specific behavior associated with the assigned disorder. Make sure you identify how you would make this applicable to a group setting.
  • Make sure you have headers to clearly identify and clarify the different sections covered.
  • Cite your information within your paper when you reference information you used from the text or your research as I will be looking to see where you took the information learned and applied it.
  • CBT strategies should be specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and time-limited. Key Components of CBT

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