Describe how the company creates value by discussing its: Customer segments (Specific target market), Value proposition (Features/benefits

Describe how the company creates value by discussing its: Customer segments (Specific target market), Value proposition (Features/benefits

Your task
In your individual assignment submission, select a company* and examine professional sources to
describe the following:
• Part 1) Describe how the company creates value by discussing its:
o Customer segments (Specific target market)
o Value proposition (Features/benefits offered)
o Channels (Marketing, sales/distribution, service)
o Customer relationships (How to attract and keep customers long-term)
Helpful tip – You can review the Unit 7.2 readings on “The Business Model Canvas (BMC)”, specifically the
section on “Creating value”
• Part 2) Describe how the company delivers value by discussing its:
o Key resources (Human, physical, financial, intellectual)
o Key activities (What the company does to operate successfully and deliver value)
o Key partners (Who do they work with)

• Part 3) As you consider the revenue streams or cost structure of the company, suggest
how the company can enhance how they capture value to be more profitable

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