Describe a current event within your health care organization that requires leadership attention.

Describe a current event within your health care organization that requires leadership attention

Write a 900 to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:

My preference *******Reducing Operational cost***************

  • From your readings this week, apply a leadership theory that most closely represents your approach to addressing the situation. My preference *******Trait Theories*********

  • Explain why your selection would accommodate a desirable outcome.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines (Refer to sample APA paper posted on Day One of class).

Submit assignment with cover page (title page). (Refer to sample APA paper to see how this is done.)

Use references and in-text citations appropriately to support and document your thoughts and theory.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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Organizations normally face some threats. These can be either internal or external threats. These treats have to be managed effectively to ensure the survival of the organization. External threats are things that are outside the organization while internal threats are things that affect the……………………………
1118 Words
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