What is the benefit of Debt to the value of the firm

What is the benefit of Debt to the value of the firm

What is the benefit of Debt to the value of the firm, and what is the optimal of debt equity ratio?


I need a scientific research paper that studies the effect of debt to the value of the firms and what is the optimal Debt/Equity ratio meaning how much debt firms should undertake in terms of the financial structure to finance an investment opportunity its relation to the financial distress

the research should include a review and a discussion of 8 scientific and published articles written in regards of the same topic. also, it should include graphs, the articles details (author, date, name) should be (referenced, listed).

the structure of the research is shown as listed below: the research is required ASAP

1- Executive summary

2- key to abbreviations

3- Ch01: Introduction

– History (Bibliography of authors, previous work done, what triggered such study)

– Related Theories (such as Trade-off theory, & Pecking order theory)

4- Ch02: literature review

– Introduction (should explain the chapter purpose and content…etc)

– Theoretical Model

– Empirical Model

– Samples

– Contributions

– Findings

– Conclusion

5- Ch3: Data and Methodology

– Introduction (should explain the chapter purpose and content…etc)

– selection criteria (variables

– Data Analysis Methods

– Conclusion

6- ch4: Analysis & results

– Introduction (should explain the chapter purpose and content…etc)

– suggested sample (based on KSA:Saudi Arabia market)

– suggested Model

– Conclusion (includes recommendation

7- References

8- Appendix

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What is the benefit of Debt to the value of the firm
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