Presenting Research about Customer Preference

Presenting Research about Customer Preference

Presenting Research about Customer Preference


● Analyzing survey results
● Summarizing information
● Creating an Executive Summary

The Situation
Peak Fitness is looking to open new fitness centers throughout the United States. They have a limited
budget and want to maximize their offerings to meet their customer’s needs.
Peak Fitness wants to question its existing Boston location customers regarding their behavior and
preferences to use as a benchmark for what to offer in the new fitness centers. On February 10, 2020, an
online survey was distributed to 404 members, a mix of male and female customers. The table below
contains the questions and results of the survey.
Analyze the data from the survey and determine the most significant information and results that you need
to present to Peak Fitness to provide them with answers to their questions. Finally, make
recommendations to Peak Fitness on their best plan of action based on the results. Put all of your
information in an Executive Summary format.


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Presenting Research about Customer Preference


825 words