This is a food anthropology class, talk about this food (wonton) from history

This is a food anthropology class, talk about this food (wonton) from history

The food I choose is Chinese wonton,

This is a food anthropology class, talk about this food (wonton) from history, cultural and social perspective, need to make depth analysis of this food and its cultural value.

The theme of this would be food as a function to getting people together and eat other (families, friends, etc)

Writing instruction:

For you final you will take the results of your interview (see attached file) which you conducted and analyze it in relation to the course readings you outlined in your annotated bibliography. Your essay needs to have an introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs and conclusion.

Analyze the interview and compose an essay (1500 words) according to the main themes around which you chose to develop your interview. Your short essay should be structured around a main argument (thesis), and should put your interview findings in conversation with at least 4 course readings (see attached file) that you outlined in your annotated bibliography to make a broader argument.

Whenever you include quotations, paraphrase or discuss ideas, remember to cite them correctly using a standard style (such as APA, MLA or Chicago). Include a properly formatted bibliography (this does not count towards your word count).

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This is a food anthropology class, talk about this food (wonton) from history


1577  words

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