Peer 1
I believe practice drives research ESPECIALLY in criminal justice this is how we get better and solves cases by doing more and learing more everyday, there is always going to be something to do and more to learn everyday. We will make mistakes when we do this we will HAVE TO RESEARCH AND RESOLVE THE ISSUE . ‘
First, criminal justice is a practice that is driven by science and theory. Often people refer to some sciences as hard sciences (chemistry, biology, and physics), and soft sciences (criminology and sociology). This is an incorrect and unnecessary labeling of these fields of study. That is because all of these fields are driven through the application of theory which has been built via the scientific method. Theory is built over a period of time through the application of multiple research projects.
Theory is not a guess or a gut feeling. If anything, that is a hypothesis, and not a theory. Furthermore, theory drives everything we do in criminal justice. Programs are not created or implemented simply because they feel or sound good; they are all theory-driven. Finally, we all need to work on improving our scientific literacy.
It is our responsibility as criminal justice professionals to not throw out scientific findings if they do not meet our preconceived understanding of the world. Instead, try to understand the findings and how they impact your understanding of the subject. Explore the literature and see where some of these programs can be improved. However do not ignore the science. It’s not going to just go away.”