Factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to middle-class delinquency and its relation to gangs.

Factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to middle-class delinquency and its relation to gangs.

Each students answer to the question should be between 500-1000 words. A minimum of two references need to be used in the development of your answer. You also need to provide two (2) feedback posts to your peers. Each feedback post needs to be 250 words or more, and should include information that helps to enhance the discussion on the topic. Do not include statements such as great work, or excellent post. Try to include info that is challenging and respectful and that will stimulate debate. Also, be mindful of including references and citations whenever citing facts to support your position. APA 6th edition citations and references must be used always!

This is Derricks Post

The middle-class delinquency problem in youth stems from the how malleable our brains are in our youth. (Nwalozie) points out in a discussion of sub-cultures how we have glamorized deviant behaviors (2015). I think this is a valid point, we have persons whom may be labeled by youth members of a particular gang as an “original gangster”. This member may be able to always have cash on hand and maintain a good appearance of being well off. To exasperate this, we in the Western Hemisphere make movies about persons such as this and their life. This “O.G.” may have respect around the neighborhood or may be feared. He may be rumored to never be seen out in public without “arm candy” by his side. This appeals to the invincible minded. It has sex appeal. It sells; it sells so well we have songs and music videos that will glamorize it to make money from the appeal. That is one aspect and a chauvinist one. Three popular themes that humans instinctively seek out is riches, power, and comradery. Socializing with a group of like-minded individuals does not essentially create a subculture even if the ideals shared are not in line with mainline society (Nwalozie, 2015). I do believe that gangs can be considered a subculture, as gangs are transcontinental and maintain the same mindset regardless of individual gang codes. The intent is to control the market, increase financial intake, decrease expenditures on resupply and logistics, and eliminate the competition to own a monopoly. Even so most youths will not become gang members but may socialize in groups of like-minded youth. Safety is an aspect that could influence a youth to join a gang and although styles of parenting have shown to marginally influence a youths externalizing problems (Pinquart, 2017); a strong parental figure can demonstrate the safety that youth may seek discouraging gang affiliation. I still believe that the likeminded persons may also suffer from the same or similar psychological or biological symptoms and combined with the same societal norms have a higher likelihood to engage in groupthink in deciding on and performing criminal activities.


12 hours ago

This IS Russel’s Post

Social control theories maintain that people have the potential to disobey laws and that modern society presents numerous opportunities for illegal activity. This theory assumes that people can see the advantages of crime and are capable of concocting and carrying out all sorts of spontaneous criminal acts without any special motivation or prior training. It also assumes that the impulse to commit crime is resisted because of the costs associated with such behavior. Moreover, it is used to help us understand and reduce levels of criminal activity. The idea is that an individual’s basic belief system, values, morals, commitments, and relationships foster a lawful, non-criminal environment. Siegel (2015) writes, because they have been properly socialized, most people have developed a strong moral sense, which renders them incapable of hurting others and violating social norms.

Subcultures are those groups that have values and norms that are distinct from those held by the majority. Subcultures also develop when people in similar circumstances find themselves isolated from the mainstream and come together for mutual support. Street gangs are considered to be a subculture based on their values and beliefs.

Crime, delinquency, and gangs have routinely been associated with the children from poor, lower class families. However, the number of crimes committed by middle class children has been increasing in recent years. The middle class is not immune to depression, anxiety, and the sort of emotional strain associated with crime. Also, there is no guarantee that middle class adolescents will achieve the self-control of their parents and, as adults, they may become embedded in a life of crime. In addition, the middle class commits its share of crime, often for many of the same reasons as the impoverished. Unfortunately, youth and street gangs are an important part of the delinquent subculture and continue to pose a great challenge to all communities in cities, suburbs, and rural areas across the United States. In fact, delinquent gangs spring up in disorganized areas where youths lack the opportunity to gain success through conventional means. An area of increasing concern to law enforcement is the continuing influence of youth and street gangs (Conser, Paynich, & Gingerich, 2013). With that said, certain middle-class gangs don’t seem significantly different from the lower-class gangs. Researchers have suggested two possible explanations for this. First, middle class delinquency will result in response to adjustment problems related to middle class socialization. Secondly, violence will be underplayed in the middle-class subculture, while the deliberate courting of danger and more sophisticated deviant techniques will be emphasized. Additionally, lower- and middle-class children will seek emotional comfort within their neighborhood’s, in which the level of social integration is low. Also, due to their financial status, they are easily accepted by the existing social groups and they start associating with other delinquent friends while engaging in unsupervised acts. Basically, while the lower-class children engage in crime as an act of rebelliousness, middle class children engage in crime in order to gain an identity. This ultimately serves as the onset to delinquency.

Now, gang membership intensifies delinquent behavior. From the earliest to the most recent investigations, criminologists and researchers have routinely discovered that, when compared with youths who do not belong to gangs, gang members are far more immersed in delinquency, particularly, serious and violent delinquency. As far as my position in regards to middle class delinquency, so much attention is given to lower class crime. However, I feel risk factors are prevalent to any social class. With that said, the types of crimes may be diverse, but crime is crime. Risk factors play a role. Risk factors are variables that increase the likelihood of gang membership. In fact, studies have identified causes, or risk factors, which, if present for a given individual, make it more probable that he or she will develop problem behavior. In a sense, juvenile delinquency is a precursor behavior to gang membership. Family interactions and interrelationships can predict gang membership. Poor parental supervision including control, monitoring, and management of family matters are prominent risk factors. Additionally, other family conditions compromise parental capacity to carry out child development responsibilities including: low parent education, low family socioeconomic status, and child maltreatment. Educational risk factors include low academic performance as well as the safety and security with respect to schools. Peer association, being associated with peers who engage in delinquency is one of the strongest risk factors for gang membership, especially for boys. Socioeconomic factors are prevalent as well. While all neighborhoods are not exempt from delinquent activities, it is believed they happen more in areas where children feel they must commit crimes to succeed. Furthermore, substance abuse in a home or by the child is a very common cause for delinquency. Children who are exposed to substance abuse often do not have the necessities they need to thrive and are forced to find these necessities in other ways.

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Factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to middle-class delinquency and its relation to gangs.


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