Complete an Adlerian assessment on yourself or on a famous personality (real or a character from a TV or show). Be sure to provide

Complete an Adlerian assessment on yourself or on a famous personality (real or a character from a TV or show). Be sure to provide

PSY 609 Module 5 Discussion: Adlerian Assessment and Case Conceptualization

Complete an Adlerian assessment on yourself or on a famous personality (real or a character from a TV or show). Be sure to provide information for the following areas:

• Reason for coming to therapy (make up a reason you might go to see a therapist for this case conceptualization (e.g. career counseling, imposter syndrome, anxiety, trouble concentrating)
• Birth order and relationship with siblings
• Physical development
• School experience (relationships with teachers, grades, attitude toward school)
• Meanings given to lie (religion; childhood dreams, fears, and ambitions…If you could have anything from your childhood changes, what would it be?
• Social development
• Parental influences (communication patterns, relationship with parents, etc.
• Influence of community/cultural values (SES growing up, family culture, values, neighborhood)
• Role models
• Key memories before 10
• Unique genetics, attributes, life experiences
• Personal strengths
• Messages received about gender that contributed to the development
• Dreams that stand out to you
• What are three wishes that you hope to come true in the future.

Adapted from: Kress, V.L., Seilgman, L., & Reichenberg, L.W. (2021). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: Systems, strategies, and skills. Pearson.

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