Compare and contrast views of management/accountants

Compare and contrast views of management/accountants

Accounting 500 Word paper: Compare and contrast views of management/accountants: view description

Assignment Instructions

Write a 500 – 750 word paper on the following topic:

Compare and contrast the views of management and accountants regarding the changes required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on internal controls and how these changes have affected corporations, accounting firms, and investors.

In need of 1 external reference

Books in syllabus:

Bainbridge, S. (2007). The complete guide to sarbanes-oxley: Understanding how sarbanes-oxley affects your business (chapter 7).

Hermanson, R. H., Edwards, J. D., & Maher, M. W. (2013). Accounting principles: A business perspective, financial accounting (chapters 1—8). (8th ed.). Textbook Equity, Inc.

Hermanson, R. H., Edwards, J. D., & Maher, M. W. (2013). Accounting principles: A business perspective, financial accounting (chapters 9—18). (8th ed.). Textbook Equity, Inc.

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 Compare and contrast views of management/accountants


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