company to write about: Nestlé (food company) Chose any dataset and show how Business Analytics can help us to make informed decision. 

company to write about: Nestlé (food company) Chose any dataset and show how Business Analytics can help us to make informed decision. 

company to write about: Nestlé (food company) Chose any dataset ( or any other dataset you want to use) and show how Business Analytics can help us to make informed decision. 

1.    The organisation of report – 3 marks 2.    Explanation of data using descriptive analytics and through visualization of charts- 4 Marks 3.    Explanation of problem or relationships in the data -4 Marks 4.    Use of Datamining to detect or show the trends – 4 Marks 5.    Conclusion and discussion – 2 Marks 6.    References in the right format – 3 Marks (at least 8-10)

Answer preview for company to write about: Nestlé (food company) Chose any dataset and show how Business Analytics can help us to make informed decision. 


1655 Words

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