Poor written and oral communication of the organization’s objectives is often given as the reason for low organizational performance.

Poor written and oral communication of the organization’s objectives is often given as the reason for low organizational performance.

Advanced Essential Business Concepts

Discussion Questions

Poor written and oral communication of the organization’s objectives is often given as the reason for low organizational performance. Do you think this is usually a valid explanation? Why do you think this happens? What are the challenges that you think organizations face that contribute to this problem?

Note: It is recommended that students conduct the proper research via the online library, and its databases.



“How to Write a Summary” (courtesy of Odegaard Writing and Research Center) (see website http://depts.washington.edu/owrc/Handouts/How%20to%20Write%20a%20Summary.pdf)

“How to Write a Summary (from Washington State University), see website (http://public.wsu.edu/~mejia/Summary.htm

Writing Summaries from the Purdue Owl at https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writin… and https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/u…

“Article Precise and Summary Critique” from Eastern Tennessee State website http://faculty.etsu.edu/leroyfra/MALSWriting/1a1gradvsundergradwriting.html. Go to the writing menu, choose Types of Graduate Level Writing, choose Article Precis and Summary Critique.

“Most Common Writing Errors” from Eastern Tennessee State University website http://faculty.etsu.edu/leroyfra/MALSWriting/1a1gradvsundergradwriting.html Choose the following: 1) Getting Started, then Graduate vs. Undergraduate Writing; 2) Common Errors and Solution, then What Is Expected at the Graduate Level and Most Common Errors and Their Solutions, including (at bottom) “Most Commonly Found Errors in Student Essays”

“Standards for Graduate Writing” (see website from Eastern Tennessee State University) (http://faculty.etsu.edu/leroyfra/MALSWriting/5a1standards.html)

“What is critical thinking?” – A directory of resources online: http://www.austhink.com/critical/

Solution preview for the order on Poor written and oral communication of the organization’s objectives is often given as the reason for low organizational performance.

Poor written and oral communication contributes


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