College Athletes Should be paid

College Athletes Should be paid

The assignment is a persuasive piece on why NCAA athletes should be paid. Here are two links that you can use for reference but please feel free to use more than those for there is a lot of material:……

Please only focus on the pros for the most part, for I am trying to convince an audience why NCAA athletes should receive some sort of compensation. Also, please go into detail as much as you can about how this can help lower tuition for everyone because I am presenting to students and want to relate it back to them (second link has some information about that, but I would like at least a paragraph on that portion of the argument). In addition, at the end please offer the solution that the first link does in terms of using a payment system like the Olympics (last paragraph). This is where you can very briefly discuss some of the major issues of paying college athletes but then offer up that end solution.

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College Athletes Should be paid


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