Polar bears have long since been an icon of global climate change and biodiversity loss

Polar bears have long since been an icon of global climate change and biodiversity loss

Polar bears have long since been an icon of global climate change and biodiversity loss. This has been problematic because most people don’t live anywhere near polar bear habitat. Therefore, the polar bear can feel far removed for our own personal reality – thus making biodiversity loss and climate change feel far removed for our lives.

Begin by watching the video and reading the article by National Geographic (Gibbens, 2017) at: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/12/polar-bear-starving-arctic-sea-ice-melt-climate-change-spd/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_fb20171208news-polarbearstarving&utm_campaign=Content&sf175679422=1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Then write a min. 200 words response/reaction to the piece. What was your reaction to the video? Do you think this video and article are an effective way to communicate about biodiversity loss and climate change? Why or why not? Would you have done something different if you were the producer? If so, what?


Solution preview

Human beings in the twenty first century are struggling with climate change as a big challenge. In the current world, it is not possible for anyone to fail to associate polar bears with climate change. Polar bears have are on record being used to create awareness on matters climate change. Engagement visually with bears on the basis of empathy can create awareness on change of climate………………….


292 words


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