Choose one example of learning from your own life and walk the reader through your experience of learning. Demonstrate how your current

Choose one example of learning from your own life and walk the reader through your experience of learning. Demonstrate how your current

As human beings, we are constantly learning, and you have learned countless things since the moment you were born. Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning explain the process by which we learn. Choose one example of learning from your own life and walk the reader through your experience of learning. Demonstrate how your current behaviors came to be as the result of two of the three types of learning. In other words, highlight how any two (classical, operant, or social learning) impacted your learning process for the example you choose. For example, if you want to explain how you learned to care for your elderly grandmother, walk the reader through this learning process, highlighting how you developed this habit through the principles of operant conditioning AND social learning. Clearly define your terms and apply your example to class concepts.

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