Chapter 15 content covers companies investing in various securities to generation short or long term investments. With this knowledge, you

Chapter 15 content covers companies investing in various securities to generation short or long term investments. With this knowledge, you

Chapter 15 content covers companies investing in various securities to generation short or long term investments. With this knowledge, you will experience one common form of investment used by companies and individuals, which entails actual trading in the NY Stock Exchange Market and the essentials of making investment decisions.

Discussion Instructions: You will trade for ONE week (March 29 – April 7 ), then write a discussion documenting your experience Due: April 12, 2021. Begin the discussion by stating your ranking at the end of the game, state the total number of trades you made, and the total ($) return you made. Write about your experience trading in the stock market. Note: you must make at least 7 active trades in the game for a minimum of 3 days. What patterns influenced your trades? How did your previous research on the stock sector (Chapter Discussion #2) influenced your trading decision? ATTACHED is the Microsoft Word document that outlines how to register with the required website (Market Watch) for trading in the stock market. Use this link to access the steps for purchasing stock on the MarketWatch game Steps to purchasing stocks using marketwatch.pdf    download    Note Vital Information: You MUST trade in the Market Watch game created by the Professor to receive points for this course work. The game is set up for ONE WEEK ONLY. If you did not participate in the game during the assigned time you will receive a zero grade. There is no substitute assignment or make-up course work. Ensure to input current ranking information in your discussion; hence do not post your discussion until after the game ends on April 7. Requirements: Minimum 400 – 450 words Introduction: provide a brief summary of what you are discussing Body: respond to the discussion instructions Conclusion: share closing thoughts, what did you learn and the importance of the information

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