Celebrity culture

Celebrity culture

Subject   Culture Topic   celebrity culture

Paper details

Cultural Paper Assignment #1

Learning objectives: 1) to help students understand how dominant American values are reflected in, and reinforced by the mainstream media; 2) To demonstrate the role of print media in shaping social norms, and 3) to help students recognize dominant societal values as transmitted through material culture.

Paper Assignment #1 – 50 points
You will be required to write an essay (2 pages and 1 page for picture of celebrity chosen-) on your favorite celebrity and think about what core American values the celebrity represents in our culture. Organize your paper this way: (Use 12 size font, double space, computer generated) [5 points]. Your name goes in the upper right hand corner with your student ID# please.

1. lst paragraph – Introduce your topic; define culture and core American values. Feel free to include any other definitions, but you must define culture and core American values. Give some examples, if you like. You MUST reference the definitions from the book. You MUST make sure you cite the author. [5 points] NOTE: IF you use any information from a source about your celebrity, YOU MUST CITE THAT SOURCE.

2. 2nd & 3rd paragraphs: In these paragraphs, introduce your celebrity and describe what they are famous for (e.g. musician, basketball star, etc.). Then answer the following questions: [20 points]

• What is this person so successful?
• What values (per the core American values list) does this person uphold?
• What does this image of the celebrity you chose tell us about how we should live our lives and how we should look and behave?
• Do you think you should strive to be like this celebrity? Why or why not?

4. Last paragraph – include a conclusion that summarizes your key points and what you learned from this paper. [5 points]

5. NO folders necessary. Put your name in the upper right hand corner of the first page with student ID#. Papers are graded according to how well you followed the above instructions, incorporating sociological concepts in your paper. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. are also considered in the grading. [5 points].

6. YOU MUST HAVE A CITATION PAGE with HENSLIN as the author.[5 points]

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Celebrity culture


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