For this assignment, you will research the Rayful Edmund case. Edmund ran a notorious multi-million-dollar

For this assignment, you will research the Rayful Edmund case. Edmund ran a notorious multi-million-dollar drug operation in the Washington, D.C


For this assignment, you will research the Rayful Edmund case. Edmund ran a notorious multi-million-dollar drug operation in the Washington, D.C area and contributed to the crack cocaine epidemic in the 1980’s. Your paper will include a historical perspective, a description of activities and address the eventual arrest and prosecution of Rayful Edmund. This paper must be from three to five full pages of text, not including the cover page or references page.

Rubric Name: A MODEL Rubric for CCJS Projects – Max points

Criteria Equivalent to an A Equivalent to a B Equivalent to a C Equivalent to a D or F
Overall content of paper or project. Value: 20 points 20 points

The paper is exemplary. Content of the paper exceeds all information required by assignment, demonstrates critical thinking skills, sophisticated analysis and other perspectives.

Points available: 18-20

17.9 points

Paper indicates effort above and beyond the Project Description in the areas of research, analysis, critical thinking, etc.

Points available: 16-17.9

15.9 points

In general, the content of the paper addresses the information required by the assignment.

Points available: 14-15.9

13.9 points

The overall content of the paper addresses less than the minimal amount of the information required by the assignment. It demonstrates marginal work and does not reflect an understanding of the project.

Points available D: 12 -13.9

Points available F: 11.9

Overall analysis and critical thinking Value: 20 points 20 points

Analysis and critical thinking is evident throughout the paper, beyond the requirements in the Project Description

Points available: 18-20

17.9 points

Paper includes evidence of analysis and critical thinking beyond the requirements in the Project Description

Points available: 16-17.9

15.9 points

The analysis and critical thinking is consistant with the requirements in the Project Description

Points available: 14-15.9

13.9 points

The analysis and critical thinking reflected in this paper did not meet the requirements in the Project Description

Points available D: 12-13.9

Points available F: 0-11.9

Responsiveness to Project Description: All elements are included. Value: 10 points 10 points

Assignment is formatted exactly as required.

Points available: 9-10

8.9 points

Assignment is formatted as required with minor/ inconsequential deviations.

Points available: 8-8.9

7.9 points

Assignment mostly formatted as required but missing some required element(s).

Points available: 7-7.9

6.9 points

Assignment is missing major elements,

Points available D:6 – 6.9

Points available F: 0-5.9

Responsiveness to Project Description : Application of theory and knowledge to the facts presented, accurate use of terminology, etc. Value: 10 points 10 points

Excellent understanding and application of theory and knowledge to the facts.

Terminology is correct in all uses.

Points available: 9-10

8.9 points

Clear application of theory and knowledge to the facts.

Most terminology references are correctly applied.

Points available: 8-8.9

7.9 points

Application of theory, knowledge and terminology indicate understanding of the concepts and focus of the project

Points available: 7-7.9

6.9 points

Theory and knowledge does not apply to the facts presented.

Use of terminology indicates a lack of understanding of the concepts and focus of the project

Points available D: 6-6.9

Points available F: 0-5.9

Responsiveness to Project Description: Organization. Value: 10 points 10 points

Organization is relevant to topic, clear and understandable with logical flow that makes the project easier to follow.

Points available: 9-10

8.9 points

Organization is clear and does not distract from the project’s content.

Points available: 8-8.9

7.9 points

Organization presents some MINOR distractions from the project’s content.

Points available: 7-7.9

6.9 points

Organization lacks relevance, is unclear, difficult to understand, or logic is missing that causes distraction for the reader.

Points available D: 6-6.9

Points available F: 0-5.9

Formatting, references, and APA citations Value 15 points 15 points

Assignment is formatted exactly as required, all required citations and references are present and APA standards are followed in every respect.

Points available 13.5-15

13.4 points

Assignment is formatted as required with minor/ inconsequential deviations, resource requirements are met, citations and references are present and APA standards are followed.

Points available: 12-13.4

11.9 points

Assignment mostly formatted as required but missing some required elements/ sources or some APA errors are evident.

Points available: 10.5-11.9

10.4 points

Assignment is missing major elements, lacks required sources or APA is not followed however a different citation method is used correctly.

Points available D: 9 – 10.4

Points available F: 0-8.9

General Grammar/Mechanics Value 15 points 15 points

No or minor English and grammar usage errors.

Points available 13.5-15

13.4 points

A few minor/ inconsequential mistakes in English and grammar.

Points available 12-13.4

11.9 points

Some, but acceptable mistakes in English and/or grammar.

Points available: 10.5-11.9

10.4 points

Many mistakes evident in English/grammar usage.

Points available D: 9 – 10.4

Points available F: 0-8.9

Overall Score Equivalent to an A
90 or more
Equivalent to an B
80 or more
Equivalent to an C
70 or more
Equivalent to a D or an F
0 or more


1098 Words


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