Discuss important details with regards to improving careers and resumes

Discuss important details with regards to improving careers and resumes

student 1


Chapter 13 of the text discusses important details with regards to improving careers and resumes. In developing a career, it can be beneficial to create a network of classmates and colleagues. The structure of a resume can either follow that of a chronological resume, functional resume or combination resume. When writing a resume, the text suggests using strong action verbs. It may be beneficial to create PDF versions of a resume, as they are more secure files. It is important to include a headline on a LinkedIn profile where one can briefly discuss their career and their career desires. (Bovee, 2019)

Chapter 14 of the text discusses tips for the application and interviewing processes. When applying for a job, a resume should always be accompanied by a cover letter. When interviewing via video, it is important to dress as you would for an in-person interview. There are common questions asked in nearly all interviews. It is important to practice answering these sorts of questions prior to interviewing. It is common for there to be a warm-up stage at the beginning of an interview. This commonly looks like chatting between the interviewer and interviewee but is important for the development of first impressions. Letters of acceptance can be legally binding, so it is important that they are not submitted unless one will actually accept the position. (Bovee, 2019)

Ted Talk Video:

Shen starts his presentation with a discussion of college majors and job placement. He states that a very low percentage of college graduates actually work in a job that is related to their major. Shen suggests that most will likely do jobs that are new and much different from what we expect given our college majors and previous work experience. Because of this, it can be challenging for companies and managers to find top performers for their teams. Shen discusses three strategies that can assist in this process. The first strategy is for a company to broaden their search. Shen suggests searching for candidates in new places and platforms. The second strategy is having candidates perform some sort of technical task related to the position during the interviewing process. This can be used as a tryout. Lastly, Shen discusses the importance of understanding the bigger picture. There may be small short comings to applicants and their resumes. Once the bigger picture of the individual is understood, these shortcomings may not be that important.


Thill, J. V.,& Bovee, C. L.(2019). Business Communication Essentials: Fundamental Skills for the Mobile-Digital-Social Workplace. Pearson.

Tedx Talks. (2018, March 13). Looking for a job? Highlight you ability, not your experience | Jason Shen [Video]. YouTube.

student 2

Chapter 13

This chapter could not have come at a better time for me personally to see more ideas about resumes. I recently was notified that my job in the hospitality industry was on hold for the foreseeable future due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So instead of waiting for that to come around, I have begun to apply for other things and I also have been reevaluating my resume. One of the key ideas that I need to use more is to adapt my resume to different audiences. The book explains have the terminology can make a huge difference in your resume and based on what job you are applying for this could add to your stigma.

Chapter 14

In chapter 14 the information focused around the interview process which I feel I have a good understanding of. I have been apart of some of the examples the book went through such as the video, phone, and in-person interviews. I think the most important part of the chapter is the practicing portion. Having the time before you go into an interview to research and review a company can give you an upper hand in the process and allows for a person to have a better understanding of a company.


The Tedtalk this week was very fascinating to listen to. Applying for jobs can be a daunting task and in the current situation the world is in there are very few jobs available. I looked at this from the perspective of someone looking for a job rather than an employer looking to hire. I found the concept of doing more than just a cover letter and a resume to be such an interesting idea. Going above and beyond shows so much more about what type of employee you can and will be. It gives you an upper hand in the application process.


Bovée, C. L., & Thill, J. V. (2019). Business communication essentials: fundamental skills for the mobile-digital-social workplace. Essex, United Kingdom: Pearson.

Shen, J. (2018, March 13). Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience. YouTube TED.

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Discuss important details with regards to improving careers and resumes


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