Describe your short-term career plan (one month to one year).
Checklist to choose from is attached, My short term goal is to get promoted to the next rank in the U.S Army and my long term goal is to earn my Bachelor’s of Arts in Finance.
Use information from your checklist to help you formulate your responses to the following:
Describe your short-term career plan (one month to one year). Identify two items from your checklist, and explain how completing these tasks will help you meet this short-term goal.
Describe your long-term career plan (one to five years). Identify at least two items from your checklist, and explain how completing these tasks will help you meet this long-term goal.
How will you use the available Ashford University resources (e.g., Ashford Career Services, Ashford Writing Center, faculty, advisors, etc.) to help you meet your career goals?
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