Ethical and Legal Issues in Career Counseling

Ethical and Legal Issues in Career Counseling

Review the chapter on Ethics, and compare the NCDA current ethical code with the current ethical code of your discipline (either ACA or APA)

Given your specific specialty area, work setting, and client population*, select two individual standards (one from the NCDA Code and one from the ACA or APA Code) that you think are most important to adhere to and explain why.

Then select two individual standards (one from the NCDA Code and one from the ACA or APA Code) that you think would be most challenging to adhere to, given your specialty area, work setting, and client population

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief summary of each of your selections. Then explain why you chose each standard. Comment on any differences you found between the NCDA and the ACA or APA Codes of Ethics.

Note: In the subject line of your post, place the letter and number of each of the standards you selected, along with which code they come from (e.g., NCDA B.1.c. and ACA F.5.b, etc.)

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Reading Resources required to complete this assignment

Course Text: Career Counseling

Chapter 5, “Ethical and Legal Issues in Career Counseling”

National Career Development Association (NCDA) Ethical Standards

National Career Development 2015 Standards

Pick one of the web sites below to review, depending on your specialty area, in addition to the NCDA Ethical Standards, which everyone is to review.

American Psychological Association (APA). (2010). Ethical Standards

American Counseling Association (ACA). (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from
Highlights of the ACA Code of Ethics

National Board for Certified Counselors


Solution preview

The various healthcare practices require thorough knowledge and integration of ethical code of conducts. Therefore, all the workforce engaged in the healthcare industry should be aware or familiar with the different ethical principles as well as acknowledge the various conditions which may require the involvement of the ethical decision-making in solving the different ethical dilemmas or situations which they may experience………………………


591 words


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