Think critically about the course readings and to articulate their thoughts into a written response.
reading: https://www.
The objective of this assignment is for students to think critically about the course readings and to articulate their thoughts into a written response. These assignments are supposed to encourage an in-depth reading of the articles and to embolden students to apply the knowledge they are learning to their own personal context. Students are to consider the following topics, but are not to be limited in the scope of their responses:
Showcase your understanding of the reading by discussing what you read, critique and analyze the reading through the lens of your knowledge and context. DO NOT merely summarize the article!
Consider the readings application in our current business environment, how would you use this information, does it need to be updated and how so?
• Discuss the potential applications or implications of the article in the context of tourism as a whole. Consider how you may draw on this knowledge in your career/life. Consider how your thinking has changed as a result of this reading and how is this new or different for you.
Your response should demonstrate your understanding of the reading without summarizing the content of the article and you should do so via application, interpretation and critique.
Each reading response will be worth a total of 5 points. Both content and correct usage (e.g., grammar, syntax, and spelling) will be taken into account during marking. Reading responses should reflect a careful reading of the assigned pieces and should be submitted on time in order to receive full credit.
Written Responses:
Students are to submit an electronic copy of their responses to the Moodle portal
Responses are to be no more than 2 pages in length, not including references, and the economy of words is encouraged
Double spaced, 12 point serif font, 1-inch margins
All references are to be cited in APA format
Evaluation & Grading Criteria:
• Critical Thinking
o Does the student demonstrate a clear understanding of the reading
o Is the information clear and concise
o Does the response address the article in a manner that is equivalent with 4th year university student
o Does the response add anything to the discussion put forth in the reading
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