Discuss: Does capitalism create unjustified structural inequality

Discuss: Does capitalism create unjustified structural inequality

3.Discuss: Does capitalism create unjustified structural inequality? Is Marx more or less right about how capitalism works? Evaluate Marx and Engel’s Ten Point Program. Is this a more realistic simulation of competition within capitalism than the standard monopoly rules? What would make it more relatistic? Is this arrangement fair? How did it feel to be poor? How did it feel to be rich? What sorts of changes to the rules would make the game more fa ir if players begin with different amounts of wealth? How do the standard rules of Monopoly reflect the libertarian capitalist view of the world? Is the game realistic according to how libertarian capitalists understand the world? What would make it more realistic? What is the ultimate objective of Monopoly? What is the ultimate objective of capitalism? If you find Monopoly annoying or boring you don’t have to play. What if you don’t like capitalism—can you just opt out? Why are people so uncomfortable talking about this stuff?Links to an external site.Watch: WealthInequality (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Read:See where you fall in terms of global income level (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Watch: BBC Documentary Masters of Money: Marx (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (note that the narrator is a chief stategist for JP Morgan)
Read:Graphics depicting Inequality in the US (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Discuss: Does capitalism create unjustified structural inequality APA

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