Like personal experience and when was the first time you bought a camera
Art Topic Photography
Paper details
write me a story, just make one. like personal experience and when was the first time you bought a camera, how did you learn to take pictures. etc…..
and see the attachment
What is it?
A Narrative Essay is an essay that describes an experience or tells a story. It usually follows a
chronological pattern, relaying events in the order they happened. It often includes a portion
where the writer thinks about the experience and what it means to the writer now.
What are the requirements?
Your Narrative Essay should:
Tell a story
Use sensory descriptions: sight, sound, smell, touch, taste
Have an engaging, exciting introduction (start fast! Grab the reader!)
Include both scene and description (where you let the story unfold as if it is
happening right now) AND times when you step back from the experience and
tell the reader your ideas or thoughts about the experience (exposition or telling
instead of showing)
Conclude with a question or idea that leaves the reader with something to
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