Choose any two topics discussed in the economics class (I will attach the notes)

Choose any two topics discussed in the economics class and write a two page essay including: A discussion on your selected topics covering the

​Assignment Instructions
Choose any two topics discussed in the economics class (I will attach the notes) and
write a two page essay including:
1) A discussion on your selected topics covering the main points
2) At least one news article related to each chosen topic and showing the application of
the concept in the real world. ( you  can choose 2 news articles for each topic)
3) What have you understood from the articles and how does this relate to what you’ve
learnt in the economics class?
I will attach the notes to be used once I select the tutor.
You are free to choose any 2 topics from the three chapters that I’ll attach. Thank you.

chapter_6 chapter_7 chapter_9

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