Compose a well-formed personal statement using the background readings

Compose a well-formed personal statement using the background readings


Learning Outcome

• Compose a well-formed personal statement using the background readings and its applications for persuasive business messages.

This SLP asks for the following:

A personal statement that uses the persuasive models of Conger, Cialidiniand other persuasive communication principles from the background readings.

Please pay particular focus to the principles outlined by Cialdini (n.d.), Conger (1991), and Beason (2001). The Purdue OWL site (2013) and Sant (2012) readings also offer effective strategies to use in this type of persuasive message.

Making a Persuasive Case for Employment

Persuasion can also be applied in the job search process. Essentially, we are presenting ourselves and our qualifications to prospective employers, and persuading them to give us a job. Some companies require applicants to submit supporting documents along with their applications. One such document is a personal statement. This is different from a cover letter, which is normally restricted to a single page. The personal statement may be longer; in it, you present your abilities and persuade your prospective employee that you are qualified for the job. (Note: We will write a cover letter in Module 4).

Refer to the job opening you identified in SLP 1. Using the job description, write a personal statement (about 2 pages long). Your personal statement should be professionally prepared and lay out your strengths for the job. Please ensure that the contents match the job description for the job you identified in SLP 1.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your personal statement is a statement that promotes your qualifications and experiences for the job that you are interested in. It should not contain any salutation, unlike a letter, as it will be an attachment.

Please be sure to use references, which may include the assigned readings, to support the information that you are conveying.

SLP General Expectations

For the SLP, you are expected to assume the role of a job seeker. You are to identify a job that interests you in Module 1. The SLPs will take you through the job search and application process, presenting you in different scenarios requiring you to demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively and professionally.

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Compose a well-formed personal statement using the background readings


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