Briefly describe Sunnyside Nursing Home from the information calculated in your completed spreadsheets. Differentiate between capacity

Briefly describe Sunnyside Nursing Home from the information calculated in your completed spreadsheets. Differentiate between capacity

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Penner, S. J. (2017). Economics and financial management for nurses and nurse leaders (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

  • Chapter 4, “Measuring Nursing Care” (pp. 85–110)
  • Chapter 5, Reporting and Managing Budgets” (pp. 111–135)

Healthcare Financial Management Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Walden University. (2018). ASC software assistance: Microsoft Excel. Retrieved from…

Document: Week 4 Sunnyside Nursing Home Staffing Plan (Excel document)

Document: Week 4 Assignment Template (PowerPoint)

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2018). Calculating the budget variance [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 19 minutes.

Assignment: Verifying the Variance

Understanding how to manage the operational budget to ensure the viability of the department and ultimately the financial success of the healthcare organization is a responsibility of healthcare managers. This week, you will analyze the operational budget of Sunnyside Nursing Home. Your analysis will include the impact of patient volume on revenue, staffing, and quality of care. New programs at the nursing home need a marketing plan to attract patients, as patient census and a steady volume improves the proportion of payroll costs year over year and secures jobs for the employees. You will have the opportunity to update Excel spreadsheets, fill in staffing data, and reflect on the financial outlook of Sunnyside. You will then develop a PowerPoint presentation to summarize your financial analysis and apply the concepts we have covered over this course. This Assignment will give you experience with managing a healthcare budget.

Consider the following scenario: Sunnyside Nursing Home is an independent 200-bed nursing home in a community in southern New Jersey. The average daily census for the nursing home was 140 in 2015, 2016, and the first half of 2017. In late 2016, the nursing home became licensed to provide in-patient hospice services, which has been quite successful. In 2017, the nursing home started marketing their hospice services, with an average census of 10 patients and, in July 2017, finally saw an exponential increase in hospice utilization.

The Assignment is composed of two parts, and both must be submitted. Be sure to submit the PowerPoint presentation as the first part and then upload the Excel spreadsheet as the second part of the Assignment.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Week 4 Sunnyside Nursing Home Staffing Plan provided in this week’s Learning Resources
  • Review the Calculating the Budget Variance media piece in the Resources, as it may assist you in completing this part of the Assignment
  • Review each tab to analyze the financial situation in Sunnyside Nursing Home.
    • 2 West Staffing Plan
      • Review the staffing plan and the Table of Terms to get familiar with the mechanics of variable staffing
    • Actual Staffing
      • Complete the missing cells to determine the total variance
      • Review this tab and focus on the census and number of staff required. Think about the impact of using agency staff and overtime on the current staff
    • Table
      • Complete the Table to determine the impact on the budget due to the increase of hospice patients
    • Hospice
      • Review this tab to determine the impact of adding the new hospice patients to 2 West
  • Use formulas or copy and paste as shown in the media to ensure accuracy as you complete the sheets
  • Based on the information and calculations derived in your spreadsheet, reflect on your findings as you prepare to develop a PowerPoint presentation
  • Download the Week 4 Assignment Template

The Assignment (9-slide PowerPoint Presentation):

The Assignment Template provided can help guide you in creating this presentation. Please address the following in your presentation:

  • Briefly describe Sunnyside Nursing Home from the information calculated in your completed spreadsheets.
  • Differentiate between capacity, utilization, performance, and financial indicators utilized at Sunnyside Nursing Home.
  • Summarize key variances (positive or negative) you uncovered during your analysis (data only) of Nursing Unit 2 West. Focus on the most significant variance items.
  • What do you believe led to the variances you identified?
  • Because certain line items in a budget are more controllable than others, what actions might you recommend to the Sunnyside Nursing Home administrator to help the healthcare manager manage the sudden and sustained increase in patient census in hospice patients?
  • Is the increase in that patient population a financially sound investment for Sunnyside? Why or why not? (Review the Hospice tab on the spreadsheet for ideas.)
  • What top three recommendations would you make as you conclude your presentation and why?
  • Make sure to follow APA guidelines and support your presentation with references.

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