Fill out the chart based on the annotated Bibliography

Fill out the chart based on the annotated Bibliography

Write a journal (100-150) words

Fill out the chart based on the annotated Bibliography( given Below)

For this journal, you will draft the synthesis paragraphs for your Annotated Bibliography.

First, post a synthesis chart or map, building on this example

, one in our textbook, etc.Second, using the chart, draft a two paragraph synthesis essay for your Annotated Bibliography. The directions (as seen on the annotated bibliography assignment also) are to:

Identify connections and differences you see among the sources you annotated

Explain how they are responding to ideas you see in other articles

Identify the leading candidate for your audience that emerged from your research

Cite the sources accurately using the documentation style appropriate for your academic discipline (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.)

The journal should include both parts and will receive either a 100 (work completed as requested) or a 0 (work not completed as requested or not done at all).

I have provided my annotated bibliography file and the chart that you have to f

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Fill out the chart based on the annotated Bibliography


358 words

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