Assume you work for a health insurance plan. They would like you to gather information detailing the usage of various managed care plan

Assume you work for a health insurance plan. They would like you to gather information detailing the usage of various managed care plan

Option #2: Managed Care Plan Graph

Assume you work for a health insurance plan. They would like you to gather information detailing the usage of various managed care plan in the United States. Create an original graph detailing your findings. Include a 2-3-page summary detailing your findings.

Requirements: Your submission should be a 1-page graph and a 2-3-page summary of findings (not including title or reference pages) and must conform to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the course reading material and relevant research. You must include a minimum of 5 credible, academic or professional references including the text or other course materials if used as a resource.

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