Assume that intelligence exists that indicates China is pursuing a novel chemical weapon and intends to use it against a third-party nation

Assume that intelligence exists that indicates China is pursuing a novel chemical weapon and intends to use it against a third-party nation

(1) Background:
Assume that intelligence exists that indicates China is pursuing a novel chemical weapon and intends to use it against a third-party nation and proliferate it to United States adversaries.

(2) The Paper Focus – Subject:
Describe what mechanisms the Unites States should use to deter the development, deter the transfer and deter the use of this chemical weapon. Describe what steps the Department of Defense should take to prepare for and counter the employment of this chemical weapon in the event deterrence is unsuccessful.

MLA citing format
12 size Arial Font
Double spacing
1 inch margins

(3) Use this Hypothetical Scenario within the paper (use the following wording):
Describe what mechanisms the Unites States should use to deter the development; the transfer and the use of the novel chemical weapon China is developing. Describe what steps the U.S. Department of Defense should take to prepare for and counter the employment of this chemical weapon in the event deterrence is unsuccessful.

– Be sure to identify steps the US Dept. of Defense should take to prepare for and counter the employment of the chemical weapon.

– Be sure to describe all the United States mechanisms (the U.S. as a whole, not just the DoD) the U.S. can use to deter the development of the chemical weapon (CW) by China, the transfer or proliferation of the CW to U.S. adversaries and deter the use of the CW against a third party nation (like Taiwan).

–   Add these three types of deterrence from the 2022 NDS: deterrence by direct and collective cost imposition / deterrence by resilience / deterrence by denial (National Defense Strategy 2022)

The National Defense Strategy 2022 (NDS-2022) | 2022-NATIONAL-DEFENSE-STRATEGY-NPR-MDR.PDF ( | 27 October 22 |

Read below and ensure it is implemented into the paper:
What are the steps the US DoD will use for preparation to counter a chemical attack if deterrence fails (attack is against a third-party nation like Taiwan)?

Please give historical examples of success for each action you reccomend for the 4 main foci in the paper?

Each set of paragraphs in the body of the paper need to tie back to one of the 4 main foci (note 1 -3 are the whole of the U.S. not just the DoD and #4 is only the Dept. of Defense):
Please mention the link back to the four major points:
(1) U.S. deterring the development of the chemical weapon by China
(2) U.S. deterring the transfer of the chemical weapon (or its precursors and equipment/software) from China (proliferation) to US adversaries.
(3) U.S. deterring the use of the chemical weapon against a third-party nation by China. (cooperation with allies and partners should be a part of it – USINDO-PACOM Combatant Command with Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Korea, Phillipines etc.- if Taiwan was hit for example).
(4) . Tie the paragraph or example back to which step this is in the Department of Defense preparations to prepare for and counter the employment of this chemical weapon in the event deterrence is unsuccessful for the last portion of the body.

Introduction and Conclusions are all you. Just need the body to focus on those 4 main areas.

Answer preview for Assume that intelligence exists that indicates China is pursuing a novel chemical weapon and intends to use it against a third-party nation

Assume that intelligence exists that indicates China is pursuing a novel chemical weapon and intends to use it against a third-party nation


3362 Words

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