Assess the Multiculturalism of Your Organization

Assess the Multiculturalism of Your Organization

Complete “Rehearsal 9.1: Assess the Multiculturalism of Your Organization” from pp. 140-141 of the textbook. Answer each of the four questions in 1-2 double-spaced paragraphs, and use concepts from this week’s reading to support your points. Ensure that your submission is in APA format, with a title page and a reference page that cites the textbook.

Rehearsal 9.1 Assess the Multiculturalism of Your Organization
Purpose: To apply the material from Holvino, Ferdman, and Merrill-Sands to your organization

1. Where would you place your organization on the continuum of moving from monoculturalism to multiculturalism? Why?

2.What structural changes in recruitment practices, policies, pay and benefits, holidays, work–family balance, and the like would support multiculturalism?

3.How do employees’ communication patterns contribute to or inhibit multi-culturalism? Are certain voices muted in the organizational dialogue? Does employee communication about diversity policies limit policies’ impact?

4.What behavioral changes are necessary to promote more effective intergroup relations?

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Assess the Multiculturalism of Your Organization


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