As a data technologist at Mi’Amore Medical Center, you have been asked to describe the magnitude of three specific health care problems

As a data technologist at Mi’Amore Medical Center, you have been asked to describe the magnitude of three specific health care problems

As a data technologist at Mi’Amore Medical Center, you have been asked to describe the magnitude of three specific health care problems and explain how big data and health care analytics can contribute to minimizing or eliminating these problems. To complete this task, you will need to create a fact sheet that provides the information.

Your fact sheet should be at least one full page.

Your fact sheet should be double spaced.

Discuss the magnitude of three health care problems. Why do the problems exist? Who or what do these problems impact (health systems, population, etc.)? Discuss how big data and health analytics can aid in minimizing or eliminating these problems. Include at least two appropriate visual elements such as pictures, symbols, graphs, etc. that support the discussion. Provide citations for supportive resources throughout and provided reference page in APA format.

Save and submit your fact sheet as a Microsoft® Word® or PDF file.

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