Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA), and choose an artwork that you find interesting. Your essay should address how artistic devices

Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA), and choose an artwork that you find interesting. Your essay should address how artistic devices

Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA), and choose an artwork that you find interesting.

Write an essay (3-4 double spaced pages using 12 point font). Include a title page and a works cited page. You will need to explore the formal treatment (see the Gathering Information template) and iconography of the work. Your essay should address how artistic devices contribute to your understanding of the works meaning or artistic significance. (Use the first few chapters of your textbook for vocabulary.)

SOURCES: You must use viable sources. Such sources include, Oxford Art online database, ARTSTOR, MyUINDY library and DATABASE, ARTCHIVE, and other educational or museum sites.


  • TITLE PAGE: Please title your paper with the name of the artwork you have chosen. Make sure to always italicize titles of artworks. Your title page will also include your name, my name, the date and the class you are in: Art Appreciation
  • Introduction: Introduce the artwork you have chosen. Your introduction will state where you observed the artwork (museum). You will want to introduce the reader to your overall experience at the IMA. Your introduction will need a thesis statement that you will recap in your conclusion. What do you want to tell people the most about this artist or artwork? Example: Hopper’s work often explores themes of loneliness, which can specifically be seen within this piece. – Then, the rest of the paper will focus on explaining that statement.
  • Discuss the FORMAL PROPERTIES of your selection- size, materials, technique, color, and any other details about its physical attributes. Don’t forget to tell whether the artwork is a painting, sculpture, print, architecture, installation, video media, drawing, photograph, etc…
  • ARTIST: Please include a few brief words about the artists involvement in any specific style (associated with the image you chose) as well as his/her contribution to the art movement and style- not an entire biography.
  • Please provide the CONTEXT of the work of art- its culture of origin, time period or art movement, religion if applicable and artist information if available.
  • Be sure to DESCRIBE the look of the artwork in your own words as much as possible. Be specific, as though you were explaining it over the phone to someone who couldn’t see it. Classify the work; is it Representational, Abstract, or Nonrepresentational? What is the subject matter and/or the content of the work of art? Also, analyze the work of art. Artists don’t generally emphasize all the elements of art equally. Use the provided Gathering Information template to collect information on the elements and principles of art. If the artist emphasizes SCALE (principle of design), then talk about scale, etc. Discuss the artist(s) intent for the artwork. Does the artist achieve his/her intent? Does the artwork visually explain what it was intended to? Refer back to chapter one where the text discusses the roles of artists to help with your judgment.
  • Analyze your work of art for any SYMBOLISM or Iconography. Research should guide you in this if you select a work of art from a time or cultural we haven’t studied yet.
  • It may be interesting to provide a HISTORY of the work itself and any restoration efforts. (If known)
  • Next, please tell the reader what inspired you to pick this work. Why did it speak to you? The look? A religious or emotional connection? Travel experience? You tell me.
  • CONCLUSION: the conclusion should summarize and restate your thesis statement. Consider an additional leading thought to encourage the reader to want more information beyond these images.
here is the full document but it doesn’t have to be 3 pages as long as you explains all the requirements

Answer preview for; visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA), and choose an artwork that you find interesting. Your essay should address how artistic devices


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