Watch an Art21 video about one artist

Watch an Art21 video about one artist

You will have four opportunities to gain extra credit if you choose to watch and respond to four different videos.


Watch an Art21 video about one artist using this link:

Please answer each of the following questions to create a one page response.

For ALL Assignments, use complete, grammatically correct sentences and correctly spelled words.  Points are deducted for poor writing. Writing makes an important first impression so you want it to be a good one!  Writing is important so we will practice here.

1) Who is the artist?

2) What kind of artist are they?

3) What pieces were they working on?

4) Did they have assistance, or did they complete the pieces on their own?

5) Did you like the pieces? Why and why not. Be specific


Solution  preview

Who is the artist?

The artist’s name is Jack Whitten, and he appears to spend most of his time doing entirely new things

What kind of artist are they?

Jack Whitten is an artistic painter who focused on innovating different kinds of paintings until he died.

What pieces were they working on? ………………..


665 words


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