Writing papers and bibliographies are not my strong suite

Writing papers and bibliographies are not my strong suite

Dr. P and class, Writing papers and bibliographies are not my strong suite, I am much more of an in person hands on individual. But my eye is on that final diploma, so I am giving this everything I can.

An annotated bibliography shows the source you are planning on using for your paper, and gives a brief summary of what that source contains. According to the Owl Purdue website, an annotated bibliography can summarize, assess, and or reflect what your sources have to offer (Owl Purdue, 2013). One of the major advantages to having a thorough bibliography is it shows that the writer fully understands the topic and the sources that he or she is using (UNC, 2017).

Below is a sample of my annotated bibliography with two references that I will be using for my paper on how civil forfeiture laws have been corrupted. My goal is to use sources that were written within the last five to ten years to ensure my information is up to date.

Crawford, A. (2015). CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE IN MASSACHUSETTS: A FLAWED INCENTIVE STRUCTURE AND ITS IMPACT ON INDIGENT PROPERTY OWNERS. Boston College Journal of Law & Social Justice, 35(2), 257-284. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docv...

This author compares the two different types of civil forfeiture laws, civil and criminal, and the key differences between them. The articles discusses the origin of forfeiture laws and how they evolved into the current laws in effect, including the reforms and constitutional amendment changes, The author takes a look at a case based in Massachusetts that did not meet the standards of due process, and points out specific areas of the laws that are abused routinely. The article concludes with suggested reforms that could reduce the corruption ability as well as provide innocent personnel more security against unfairly seized assets.

Ford, T. J. (2015), DUE PROCESS FOR CASH CIVIL FORFEITURES IN STRUCTURING CASES. Michigan Law Review, 114(3), 455-480. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docv...

In this article, the author examines the process of civil forfeiture and takes the stance that the current process is not in accordance with correct due process. The author gives examples of a few individual cases where undue hardship came out of assets being incorrectly seized. This article also discusses the progress made recently to try and mitigate the corruption and put more value on probable cause, but also focuses on the lack of reform to properly make that progress effective.

I used the suggestions from last week on using the advanced search in the APUS library, and it definitely helped, thank you! I was able to not only hone in on recent studies and articles, but also filter the results by geographical location and only pull results from the United States. Also, as a side note, I fully endorse Dr. P’s suggestion of backing up your work, even if it is a forum assignment. I was typing this all out while on duty at work, and the computers did an unscheduled reboot so I had to redo my work today when I got off of shift today. Save your work often!




Owl Purdue, 2013. Annotated Bibliographies. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01...

University of North Carolina College of Arts and Sciences, 2017. Annotated Bibliographies. Retried from https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/annot...


Hello Class,

In an effort to build to a stream line, factual, well documented final paper we are focusing on annotated bibliographies. As discussed in our lesson this week, the purpose of incorporating an annotated bibliography is to provide a report with an explanation or brief summary of the reference we are citing. I feel personally this allows us as researchers the ability to become more educated on the topic but more so offers the reader a quick reference showing specifically what the reference might have been used for through the report. This overall prompts us to provide a better final product. A few others in the class have mentioned Purdue OWL website, this has been a go to tool for me during my time at AMU. Most teachers I have experienced thus far with AMU have in fact published this site for further reference materials for students.

Below are a few references I will be using, with annotated bibliographies that will support reasons controversy exists regarding firearms and how this has impacted legislation and those who wish to carry firearms on their persons in public. Because my topic revolves around the nature or controversy firearms have brought to the face of the public and how these views affect legislation down to state regulation is something that will take many references to capture different views on the topic.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.atf.gov/

The Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) home page serves as a plethora of information regarding laws and regulations on specific firearms and explosives that I will use to give background information concealed carry laws. This website also offers facts specific to each state that I will use to show data of all sorts to help draw the picture of those that are active in exercising their second amendment right. All information used is creditable, coming straight from the sourced federal agency’s website when discussing federal laws within the report.

Concealed carry laws. (2013). In Gale (Ed.), Gale encyclopedia of everyday law (3rd ed.). Farmington, MI: Gale. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?url=http://search.cr...

Concealed carry laws will be a big discussion throughout this report. The above reference was taken from the APUS library, and sourced from the “Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law”. This article discusses the history of concealed carry laws, a brief overview of state requirements to obtain a concealed carry license and restrictions involved in carrying a firearm including legal challenges imposed through courts.

Hardy, D. T. (2012). Gun owners of America (GOA). In G. L. Carter, Guns in American society: an encyclopedia of history, politics, culture, and the law (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?url=http://search.cr...

Gun Owners of America is one of many gun owner organizations that lobby against gun control legislation. Their opposition to not to except minor gun control legislation that merely restricts gun owning options. GOA stand on legislation for restrictions in spite of the nature of firearm violence is something that will be used to show how restriction affect Americas right to own/conceal carry firearms.

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Writing papers and bibliographies are not my strong suite


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