Analysis of Satan as Portrayed in “Paradise Lost” With these two modes of interpretation in mind, consider the following essay options:

Analysis of Satan as Portrayed in “Paradise Lost” With these two modes of interpretation in mind, consider the following essay options:

Analysis of Satan as Portrayed in “Paradise Lost

With these two modes of interpretation in mind, consider the following essay options:
1) Analyze at least two epic similes in PL and argue that they instruct the reader about how to read or
interpret. What rules for interpretation do the similes implicitly reinforce?
2) Compare or contrast Satan to one the speakers of the lyric poems we’ve analyzed thus far.
3) Analyze Satan as a reader, and explain how his interpretive assumptions lead him to misinterpret the
world, God, or even his own self.
4) Argue that Milton requires the readers of PL to read ironically, and compare or contrast the implied
interpretive protocols to those found in one or more of the poems by Herrick, Lovelace, or Marvell. In
other words, argue that Milton requires his readers to adopt miltonic mindsets, and thus to read
characters, expressions, descriptions circumstantially, contingently. Consider, for example, the
experience of reading the epic similes in PL (or even the reader’s attitude towards Satan).

Answer preview for Analysis of Satan as Portrayed in “Paradise Lost” With these two modes of interpretation in mind, consider the following essay options:

Analysis of Satan as Portrayed in “Paradise Lost” With these two modes of interpretation in mind, consider the following essay options:


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