Discuss Andrew Delbanco’s treatment of Moby-Dick in his biography of Melville.

Discuss Andrew Delbanco’s treatment of Moby-Dick in his biography of Melville.

what is our understanding?


Andrew Delbanco, Melville: His World and Work

Please discuss Andrew Delbanco’s treatment of Moby-Dick in his biography of Melville. According to Delbanco, what does our understanding of Melville and his life add to our understanding of Moby-Dick, and, conversely, what does Moby-Dick add to our understanding of Melville and his life? Do you find yourself strongly agreeing or disagreeing with any of Delbanco’s claims about these questions? Why or why not?



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In his biography Melville: His World and Work, (Delbanco, 2013) Delbanco treats Melville with great modesty and prominence as a great writer in American literature. He admits that there may be no end to biography the writer, however, the available facts and works left are instrumental in making out his documentary……………………


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