A reflective introduction that discusses each piece of writing (The Piano Lesson and Human and Animal Experience): why did you choose it,

A reflective introduction that discusses each piece of writing (The Piano Lesson and Human and Animal Experience): why did you choose it,

1. A reflective introduction that discusses each piece of writing (The Piano Lesson and Human and Animal Experience): why did you choose it, how did you use feedback to revise it, and what skill(s) does this project highlight about you as a writer?

2. TWO essays (chosen from among Essay #1, #2, #3, or #4),

3. TWO other written assignments completed for this class (choose from reading

responses, discussion board posts and comments, notes, and proposals or other writing done to prepare for Essays 1,2,3, or 4).

Specifications: Create the final project as ONE Word or PDF file, that includes all the parts, starting with your introduction, and ending with a Works Cited list that covers ALL the sources used in the writing of the final project. Use standard one-inch margins, and 12-point font, page numbers, as well as a cover page with a title for your entire project that tells us something about what we will read.

Example: Let’s say you want to include Essay #2 and Essay #3, and you will include the reading response you did on “Half of a Yellow Sun” as well as a discussion board

The Piano Lesson

All the themes in The Piano Lesson talk about a broader conversation on race and ethnic prejudice issues. In the play, Wilson portrays how the law leans towards the side of the whites. For example, in the first act of scene 2, winning Boy does not believe that Boy Willie will be successful in owning his farm even if he raises the money. To begin with, Sutter’s brother will most likely have sold it to another person by the time Boy Willie gets to Sunflower County, even though he promised to hold it for fourteen days. Furthermore, Winning Boy knows that white people who sell possessions to American Africans somehow find a way to trick the purchaser. For example, if there are fruit trees on the land, the white seller can somehow sell the land and keep the trees. Boy Willie has full knowledge of this; he knows “The law is liable to say anything.”

The laws in the play assist in setting a bold contrast between justice and law, and they pose some big questions on the issue of an equal and fair society in the present day. For example, the real-world issue that connects to this play is the issue of inequality and racial discrimination. Social progress was not an easy feat for African Americans, although they experienced glimpses of success sometimes. Justice is not being served fairly in the present world, as we continue to see cases of injustices that go under the eyes of racially biased systems of justice. Furthermore, racism and discrimination arean issue that has been happening in most places in recent times (Taylor & Robert np). In the play, there is a time when Winning Boy says, “Now that is the difference between the colored man and the white man. The colored man can’t fix nothing with the law.” There is no progress for African Americans because the law is not intended to assist a black person.

Works Cited

Taylor, Robert Joseph, et al. “Everyday discrimination among African American men: The impact of criminal justice contact.” Race and Justice 8.2 (2018)

Human and Animal Experience

“Am I Blue?” A short narrative about a horse offers an introspective look at life

and the meaning itself. The symbolic use of the horse and its situations enables a keen analysis of life and the different ways to perceive it. The existence of conscience is crucial in bringing an awareness of life and living and supporting free will. Alice Walker details the various aspects that make the horse a living entity quite like humans by describing key events in their lives. The narrative presents a wholesome tale that appeals to the audience through emotions, authority on the topic, and logical emphasis on significant aspects.

The logical appraisal of Blue’s case leads to a conclusive idea of what living entails for animals and human beings. Alice offers an idea of what Blue is undergoing, an anecdote where the animal experiences emotions like humans. This line of delivery, therefore, presents the readers with relatable content. The entire delivery of Blue being a horse and experiencing human traits shows the enlightenment of horses and other animals. Connecting the same to the broader idea of life, the author manages to offer a straightforward deduction of the clear link between human and animal experiences. This supports the overall concept of the oppression of animals.

One of the critical aspects in understanding human experiences is the matter of socialization. Reading through “Am I Blue?” It targets the emotions of the readers by reviewing one of the critical human experiences, emotions. The flow of the article benefits from the arrangement of scenes. The introduction of blue in the beginning shows traces of experience like that of humans. However, this concept is developed later on in the loneliness and sadness described. The fact that Blue longs for a companion and seems less tense after the arrival of the brown horse clearly shows that there are fractions of emotions in Blue’s experience. Another aspect that reinforces emotional appeal is the use of adjectives reflecting emotions. Words such as “horribly lonely and bored,” “inalienable horseness,” “galloped furiously,” and more offer a realistic description of Blue’s emotions at different times (Walker 5).

Lastly, the text showcases rhetorical strategy in utilizing personal human experience to support the horse’s claim and consciousness to human experience. Alice implores the readers to use their own lives as a basis for comparison to note the human tendencies in the horse Blue? The extent of human relatability is also embodied in the title. Rather than stating the horse is Blue, the title adds a question mark to show the question’s doubt. Alice exposes human experience from the familiar concept of emotions to the less scrutinized field of existential crises.


“Am I Blue?” is structured in a way that onboards the readers from the very first

step. Whether it is the development of emotional appeals or the logical deduction of

human experience being similar to animal experience. Alice exposes the issue of animal oppression by drawing the emotional appeal, rational thought, and authority on the topic to present a more appealing narrative. By the end of the narration, Blue is no longer perceived as solely a horse but an animal capable of human like experiences.

Works Cited

Walker, Alice. “Am I blue? Living by the word.” (1988).

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