Describe some of the characteristics of a well-designed storyboard
Describe some of the characteristics of a well-designed storyboard “Utilizing Storyboards” Please respond to the following: Describe some of the characteristics of a well-designed storyboard. Predict the impact that a poorly developed storyboard could have on a Website. From the e-Activity identify the name of the article that you read and summarize the author’s main points. … Read more
Give an example of either Inductive or Deductive reasoning
Give an example of either Inductive or Deductive reasoning College Mathematics Discussion 1 Post Give an example of either Inductive or Deductive reasoning. Try to use a “real world” example of something you might have encountered or found on the internet. Your example could involve numbers, or some other kind of scientific information. If you … Read more
Over-land’s management is considering the proposal from FHP.
Over-land’s management is considering the proposal from FHP. Relevant Costs for Decision Making Required: Over-land’s management is considering the proposal from FHP. There are many issues involving strategy, cost, risk, and capacity. Prepare a recommendation to management. m2_over_land_trucking Solution preview Variable expenses are relevant whereas the fixed costs do not hold any form of relevance … Read more
Unit 3 Discussion Board Restorative Justice and Juvenile Courts
Unit 3 Discussion Board Restorative Justice and Juvenile Courts Unit 3 Discussion Board Restorative Justice and Juvenile Courts The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust interaction and dialogue. Every student is expected … Read more
List and discuss at least three problems with the instructions
List and discuss at least three problems with the instructions Examining a set of poorly written instructions Please review the attached Word document: Then complete the following steps in responding to this discussion topic: 1. Read the McMurrey, Jerz, and Wikibooks resources on how to write instructions. 2. Examine the attached instructions. List and discuss at least three problems with the instructions, using … Read more
Explain the relationship between the symbolism of ‘a phoenix’
Explain the relationship between the symbolism of ‘a phoenix’ Survey of Literature Unit 2 Survey of Literature Discussion: Word Count Minimum 200 Words Kirszner and Mandell make a comparison between “popular fiction” and “serious fiction,” contending that stories that fall into popular fiction genres (e.g., mystery, suspense, romance, horror, science fiction, fantasy, etc.), “Serve as … Read more
Develop an 875-word analysis providing conclusions concerning the management of accounts
Develop an 875-word analysis providing conclusions concerning the management of accounts Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand the basics of financial statement analysis using financial ratios on the assets section of the balance sheet, data interpretation, and how ratios are used to gain insight about the management of receivable. … Read more
Case study for the Sup sliding away
Case study for the Sup sliding away Case study for the Sup sliding away Cocktail hour is drawing to a close. You and your assistant are finishing up the reception décor and preparing to bring in the bride and groom before the guests enter. Your assistant notices that the wedding cake, beautifully placed in the … Read more
Assume a law enforcement officer has probable cause to arrest a defendant
Assume a law enforcement officer has probable cause to arrest a defendant Probable cause In a paper 4-6 pages in length Assume a law enforcement officer has probable cause to arrest a defendant for armed assault, and he also has probable cause to believe that the person is hiding in a third person’s garage, which … Read more
You are working with a mother to reduce the tantrum behavior
You are working with a mother to reduce the tantrum behavior 100 words min, social worker mini case. Maps goal You are working with a mother to reduce the tantrum behavior of her 6-year-old child. Identify a MAPS goal based on this general goal, and identify and prioritize steps that are necessary for the achievement … Read more
Research two methods that would be effective for counseling these adult males.
Research two methods that would be effective for counseling these adult males. It’s just a two page paper not a presentation You are working in a veteran’s group home for clients with anxiety, PTSD, depressive, and personality disorders. Some of them use self-mutilation and cutting on their wrists to divert their pain. Most of these residents … Read more
Write a narrative reflection of your experience with the program and the ePortfolio construction.
Write a narrative reflection of your experience with the program and the ePortfolio construction. You will create an ePortfolio that includes redesigned activities from prior coursework in the Masters of Arts in Education (MAED) Program that demonstrate your competency with the nine Program Learning Outcomes, which are also the Course Learning Outcomes for EDU 695. … Read more
Reconstruct Plato’s system of philosophy as found in The Allegory of The Cave
Reconstruct Plato’s system of philosophy as found in The Allegory of The Cave Discipline Philosophy Description “They’ve been there since childhood, fixed in the same place, with their necks and legs fettered, able to see only in front of them, because their bonds prevent them from turning their heads around.” (Plato’s Republic, 514a.) First Reconstructive … Read more
Principles of Marketing Module 1 Discussion
Principles of Marketing Module 1 Discussion Principles of Marketing Module 1 Discussion We defined marketing as, “the art and science of getting people to spend their money on your product rather than the other guy’s, and be happy that they did so.” Do you think that’s true? Does some Wizard of Oz person-behind-the-curtain get you … Read more
Article about 5G system in Telecom
Article about 5G system in Telecom Information Technology 5G system Description Article about 5G system in Telecom Abstract ,Introduction and conclusion ,Font new times Roman ,APA style . -5G Evolution ,5G system architecture and Design , , 5G Features and specifications ,Differences between 4G and 5 G please do APA style referencing and citation … Read more
The Impact of Technology On The Cognitive Ability of College Students
The Impact of Technology On The Cognitive Ability of College Students Principle of management assignment is to write and submit a 5-10 page paper on the following topic: “The Impact of Technology On The Cognitive Ability of College Students” Solution preview According to Barr et al. (2015), the current learning environment has led to the integration of … Read more
Develop Communication and Stakeholder Plans
Develop Communication and Stakeholder Plans Develop communication and stakeholder plans Read the business case at Bertas_Pizza_Business_Case See the organization chart Bertas_and_HiFives_organization_charts Locate the communications plan template comm_plan Locate the stakeholder register template stakeholder_register Use the communications plan template to create a communications plan for the BMOS project. Use the stakeholder register template and organization charts to create a stakeholder … Read more
Research fraud cases that involved agency conflicts
Research fraud cases that involved agency conflicts Principles of Finance I Research fraud cases that involved agency conflicts. Provide the following: Overview of the organization Who was involved? How was the fraud committed? What was the outcome? What recommendations do you have to stop such a fraud relating to this conflict of interest? Your research … Read more
Discuss the advantages and risks associated with HRT
Discuss the advantages and risks associated with HRT Discussion questions For this assignment, you will review the latest evidence based guidelines as they pertain to the case below. At least 5 references not older than 5 years old. APA format Ms. Martin is a 55-year-old woman who has been on HRT for 4 years. HRT … Read more
How we can use operant conditioning to change the behavior of people and animals
How we can use operant conditioning to change the behavior of people and animals Operant Conditioning Psychologists like B. F. Skinner have studied how we can use operant conditioning to change the behavior of people and animals. Drawing on your personal experience, choose a person or animal whose behavior you want to change. (You may … Read more
Week 1 Discussion:Careers in Public Administration
Week 1 Discussion:Careers in Public Administration “Careers in Public Administration” Please respond to the following. Note: Online students, please respond to the following question. Professionals in public administration work in a variety of organizations and occupy diverse roles. Visit one of the following websites (or a website of your choice) and find a job description that … Read more
Write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology
Write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology Assignment 1: Description of Research Methodology In this assignment, you will write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology study. You will get information about the study from one of the entries in the SPARQ … Read more
When Paul advises believers about choosing between marriage and the single life
When Paul advises believers about choosing between marriage and the single life New Testament Do not just describe the material, but rather look for meaning, cause and effect, and synthesis.Complete: a minimum of 1,000 words and three scholarly sources, APA format 1. When Paul advises believers about choosing between marriage and the single life, how … Read more
Analyze three of Hamlet’s soliloquies chronologically
Analyze three of Hamlet’s soliloquies chronologically Hamlet Thesis Statement Topic: Analyze three of Hamlet’s soliloquies chronologically and consider whether he seems indecisive, willful, purposeful, or driven by madness or fate. How do these soliloquy’s reveal his character, and are they an evolution towards self-awareness? Please Help me come up with a Thesis statement and solid outline to … Read more
Discussion on the nature of race and identity in the work of W.E.B.
Discussion on the nature of race and identity in the work of W.E.B. This week, we’ve done a lot of reading and discussion on the nature of race and identity in the work of W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington– Drawing upon your readings and class discussion, do you think Booker T. Washington’s accommodationist philosophy is … Read more
What social networks have you found to be helpful outside of your family
What social networks have you found to be helpful outside of your family “Supporting Your Juggling Act” Please respond to the following: Please listen to or read this NPR story, “Moms Head Back-To-School To Pursue College Dreams”, and then respond to the following questions: In the NPR interviews, most of the women pointed out the … Read more
Explain the basic concepts involved in fluid and electrolyte regulation
Explain the basic concepts involved in fluid and electrolyte regulation ASSIGNMENT 07 H05 Anatomy & Physiology II Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must … Read more
Select an actual hospital and explain why uncompensated care (UC) is such a large problem
Select an actual hospital and explain why uncompensated care (UC) is such a large problem Select an actual hospital and explain why uncompensated care (UC) is such a large problem for this type of facility. Why do some experts worry that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may not mitigate the problem of UC at these … Read more
For this assignment, you will need to conduct legal research
For this assignment, you will need to conduct legal research MEMO- Scope of Authority – summarizing the controlling law, my state is MINNESOTA For this assignment, you will need to conduct legal research… 3-4 pages in length. Incorporate at least 5 different law review journal articles and/or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your … Read more
Assess how globalization and technology changes
Assess how globalization and technology changes Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Choose one (1) public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University’s online databases, … Read more
Research Paper:Early Medieval Weapons in the North Caucasus
Research Paper:Early Medieval Weapons in the North Caucasus In your final essay, you will write a 3-4 page (12pt font, double spaced) critical review of an academic scholarly article written by a professional historian. Your essay should be double spaced with 12pt Times New Roman Font. The review should be a concise thoughtful critique / … Read more
Create a chart or organized list of these strategies
Create a chart or organized list of these strategies Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) Details: Use the listed five SEI strategies; cooperative learning, linguistically learning, critical learning, critical thinking, and multicultural education. Create a chart or organized list of these strategies with examples of how you would apply each strategy to three content areas of your choice. APA style is … Read more
At the end of each unit, DB participation will be assessed based on both level of engagement
At the end of each unit, DB participation will be assessed based on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. Unit 2 Discussion Board Correctional Options, Parole and Rehabilitation The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the … Read more
What are some of the key factors to consider when gathering requirements for a network
What are some of the key factors to consider when gathering requirements for a network Intro: Defining and Building Networks write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce … Read more
Rewrite one of the Constitutional Amendments besides the 2nd Amendment.
Rewrite one of the Constitutional Amendments besides the 2nd Amendment. Rewrite an Amendment – Please respond to the following: You have the chance to rewrite one of the Constitutional Amendments besides the 2nd Amendment. Which amendment would you choose and why? What changes would you make in rewriting this amendment? How would this affect the … Read more
Develop a Word document that describes all the requirements
Develop a Word document that describes all the requirements Part 3 – Individual Project – Submit to the Unit 1 IP Area Individual Project Submission This part of the assignment is FOR GRADING for this week. This assignment is a document describing the requirements based upon your own individual views. Your individual work should be … Read more
Review the supplied data presented in the Business Plan Scenario.
Review the supplied data presented in the Business Plan Scenario. Review the supplied data presented in the Business Plan Scenario. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you identify and recommend technology needs, hours of operation, and services offered for the health care organization. Include the following in your paper: Recommend which services should be provided at the … Read more
The Philosophy of Pay for Performance
The Philosophy of Pay for Performance The Philosophy of Pay for Performance The underlying philosophy about pay for performance it that increases will be based both on performance and on the position of the current pay rate in the established pay range. How consistent are these systems? Is there room for more deviation in some instances? … Read more