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Goodwill industries business strategies

Goodwill industries business strategies Goodwill Industries (GW) has been in business for over one hundred years.This non-profit is known throughout the USA as a giant among NFP Organizations.Its mission statement reads: Goodwill Industries International enhances the dignity and quality of life of individuals, families and communities by eliminating barriers to opportunity and helping people in … Read more

Essential elements of leadership and management

Essential elements of leadership and management Resource: Leadership Assessments found on Internet Open your web browser and search for either “Leadership Legacy Assessment Test” or “Disc Personality Test.” Complete one of these tests. Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary in which you articulate elements of leadership using the following criteria: Examine your individual, essential elements of leadership and management. … Read more

Read the case study attached “Oxford Plastics Company

Read the case study attached “Oxford Plastics Company Read the case study attached, “Oxford Plastics Company”, and write your analysis of this case, using the Case Briefing Format. Case Briefing Format 1. Identification of Issues: 2. Problem Identification Statement: 3. Development of Alternatives to Address the Problem Statement: 4. Evaluation of Alternatives, and Recommend One: … Read more

List several reasons why Christianity is so fractured

List several reasons why Christianity is so fractured The World Christian Encyclopedia (David A. Barrett; Oxford University Press, 1982) estimated there are almost 21,000 Christian denominations, and the updated World Christian Encyclopedia (Barrett, Kurian, Johnson; Oxford Univ Press, 2nd edition, 2001) estimated at least 33,000. “Denomination” is defined as “an organized Christian group within a country.” The Center for the … Read more

You are a sales representative for a company that encourages staff to long time in the field

You are a sales representative for a company that encourages staff to long time in the field When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem solving process to a specific problem scenario. You will write a paper that presents a synthesis … Read more

Imagine you’re thinking about buying a new car

Imagine you’re thinking about buying a new car Respond to discussion question and also respond to Mariah. This needs to be at least a paragraph for each response. Imagine you’re thinking about buying a new car. Before making this important decision, you’ll want to gather as much information as possible to help make the right … Read more

Intervention and Evaluation

 Intervention and Evaluation Course Project: Milestone 3: Intervention and Evaluation: The final assignment in this course is due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. You will create a PowerPoint presentation to propose an intervention and evaluation plan for the problem you identified in Milestone 2. Review the guidelines and grading rubric located in Course Resources. The … Read more

Analyze the overall manner in which organizational structure impacts organizational ethics

Analyze the overall manner in which organizational structure impacts organizational ethics Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: Propose two (2) ethical concerns that management may need to address related to the PATRIOT Act. Provide a rationale for your response. Analyze the overall manner in which organizational structure impacts organizational ethics. … Read more

Interdisciplinary Application of Generative Grammar

Interdisciplinary Application of Generative Grammar In Week Three, we examined how the concept of the mental lexicon is studied in the field of psycholinguistics. In fact, the theories of syntax and generative grammar have also been applied to other fields of study as well, organization and management being one of them. Read “Allocation of Rights … Read more

Jesus and the Kingdom of God

Jesus and the Kingdom of God Describe some of the values Jesus had in mind when he used the phrase “Kingdom of God.” (You might want to relate this to the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12.) Solution Preview Jesus taught some of his greatest lessons when he used the phrase “The Kingdom of God” and through the Beatitudes … Read more

Mission and Vision Statements Effectiveness

Mission and Vision Statements Effectiveness Over the course of this unit, we have discussed the importance of mission and vision statements. As a part of that discussion, we analyzed mission and vision statements for their effectiveness. For the Unit II Essay, you will expand on this topic. Using your favorite search engine, research the mission … Read more

Is the change in computer science and robotics over time a blessing or a curse to the human society

Is the change in computer science and robotics over time a blessing or a curse to the human society write a position paper about ” computer science and robotics” :thesis question is: ; is the change in computer science and robotics over time a blessing or a curse to the human society and lives? Overview … Read more

Individual Whites may report experiences with reverse discrimination

Individual Whites may report experiences with reverse discrimination Individual Whites may report experiences with reverse discrimination. How do such experiences affect support of or resistance toward diversity efforts? What might help such individuals to be supportive of diversity efforts, despite believing they had experienced discrimination? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.Cited … Read more

Watch the video, “Beyond the Flames: The Story of Project Wildfire” at

Watch the video, “Beyond the Flames: The Story of Project Wildfire” at . Watch the video, “Beyond the Flames: The Story of Project Wildfire” at . It is about a collaborative fire-wise effort dealing with wildland fire interface risk reduction efforts in the community of Bend, Oregon. Following the video, in two pages, answer the … Read more

You have learned about the different aspects of memory in the previous modules.

You have learned about the different aspects of memory in the previous modules. Language is critical not only to communicate with others but also to memory. You have learned about the different aspects of memory in the previous modules. Language is critical not only to communicate with others but also to memory. Many memories are … Read more

Sister sara wants to help the young families displaced by hurricane Katrina.

Sister sara wants to help the young families displaced by hurricane Katrina. Many of the thing they need are very practical such as clean clothes Sister sara wants to help the young families displaced by hurricane Katrina. Many of the thing they need are very practical such as clean clothes for their children. What can … Read more

Address issues of Early Childhood Education Governance

Address issues of Early Childhood Education Governance In a three- to four-page paper, not including title and reference pages, address issues of Early Childhood Education Governance. In your paper: Briefly summarize the three phases of ECE governance and give an example of each phase. Focusing on Phase III: Moving Toward Shared Responsibility and Accountability, evaluate … Read more

What has been your concern about sharing this information

What has been your concern about sharing this information Write 1 to 2 pages discussion , don’t need any cover or front pages but include references and peer-reviewed references with APA format. Week 3 discussion deals with security controls available for Operating systems and more specifically it deals with firewalls and DLPs. Please share any … Read more

How does data leakage occur in an organization

How does data leakage occur in an organization Write 2 – 3 pages not including Cover: The focus of the research paper is Data Leakage. How does data leakage occur in an organization? What are the common causes of this problem? How would use address this troublesome trend? Use your textbook, internet, and other publications … Read more

Analyze how and why representation of a particular culturally-marked group in the United States

Analyze how and why representation of a particular culturally-marked group in the United States write a 5 page (300 words per page) (double-spaced) movie review of two movies as if they were a two-part series. The first movie is to be from the “Golden Age” of American cinema (produced between 1917 and 1960), and the … Read more

The details of Gautama’s life are entirely enshrouded in legend

The details of Gautama’s life are entirely enshrouded in legend, and legend characteristically heavy with tendentious interpretation. Point of Legends and Religion The details of Gautama’s life are entirely enshrouded in legend, and legend characteristically heavy with tendentious interpretation. Thus, for instance, the Four Passing Sights are rather spectacular, if somewhat obvious interpolations of doctrine. … Read more

Discuss the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment

Discuss the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment Create a diagram outlining the structure of the federal judicial system. Discuss the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment using a minimum of 525 words. Include the following: Explain the purpose of business law and how the judicial system fits into society — including … Read more

What adjustments have you made to your document based on peer feedback

What adjustments have you made to your document based on peer feedback Provide a status report to your classmates and instructor. Describe any modifications that you have made to the design or documentation, discuss whether you encountered any new challenges or risks, and describe the mitigation strategy you implemented for addressing each risk. Are you … Read more

Comparing Human Resources in U.S. and Japan

Comparing Human Resources in U.S. and Japan Using the assigned readings in the text from: Reading 2: Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor, Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, and James O’Toole, summarized by Patrick Heraty 111 Reading 1: The Enthusiastic Employee, David Sirota, Louis A. Mischkind, and Michael Irwin Meltzer, summarized by Shelley Ovrom … Read more

How do smart factories and lean manufacturing differ

How do smart factories and lean manufacturing differ How do smart factories and lean manufacturing differ from other manufacturing technologies? Why are these new approaches needed in today’s environment? 2. Lean concepts such as continuous improvement and waste reduction have long been used by manufacturing companies. Please discuss how service firms can apply the same … Read more

Briefly discuss the assumptions of each of these four models and give examples of each

Briefly discuss the assumptions of each of these four models and give examples of each market models There are four market models: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly. Briefly discuss the assumptions of each of these four models and give examples of each. Explain the long run economic profit earned by each of the … Read more

Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems FORMAT THE QUESTIONS DIFFERENTLY QUESTION 0NE (200WORDS) strategic management discussion Dont make too long. APA format. Goodwill Industries (GW) has been in business for over one hundred years.This non-profit is known throughout the USA as a giant among NFP Organizations.Its mission statement reads: Goodwill Industries International enhances the dignity and quality of … Read more

Hood (2014) stated “in professional nursing, informatics plays

Hood (2014) stated “in professional nursing, informatics plays Hood (2014) stated “in professional nursing, informatics plays a critical role in how nurses access, enter, manage, and store key knowledge essential for professional practice and client care” (p. 380). Think about your workplace (Home Health Nurse), the incorporation of information technology and how you use it on … Read more

Write a 1400-word minimum strategic implementation plan

Write a 1400-word minimum strategic implementation plan TEAVANA COMPANY About Your Signature Assignment ( using the same company) This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their … Read more

Financial Management

Financial Management Integrated Waveguide Technologies, Inc. (IWT) is a 6-year old company founded by Hunt Jackson and David Smithfield to exploit metamaterial plasmonic technology to develop and manufacture miniature microwave frequency directional transmitters and receivers for use in mobile Internet and communications applications. The technology, although highly-advanced, is relatively inexpensive to implement and their patented … Read more

Write 3-4 pages answering questions of the Book “Journalism Ethics” by Christopher

Write 3-4 pages answering questions of the Book “Journalism Ethics” by Christopher Write 3-4 pages answering questions of the Book “Journalism Ethics” by Christopher *must have book* Instructions: 1) Everyone must do part I.Then, choose to do II, or III, or IV.Then, do V, VI, and VII.So, there should be five Roman numeral sections by … Read more

Anticipating readers’ objections is one way to determine what other sections

Anticipating readers’ objections is one way to determine what other sections to include and support in your paper. Practice writing a rebuttal or a Anticipating readers’ objections is one way to determine what other sections to include and support in your paper. Practice writing a rebuttal or a refutation by taking your thesis and considering … Read more

Parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of how Carribean culture influences views

Parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of how Carribean culture influences views My research though for my dissertation is: Parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of how Carribean culture influences views about mental illness and stigma in the school environment. When it comes to academic achievement. The Assignment (4–5 pages): Cite and annotate 10 articles from peer-reviewed journals that … Read more

Guidance to Financial Stability

Guidance to Financial Stability You have been hired as a fiscal consultant with a new start-up program. The program will focus on providing support services for individuals experiencing domestic violence (shelter, counseling, legal, consultation, etc.)  As a financial consultant for the new program, the administrator has asked for your guidance to make sure the program … Read more

Present a thorough analysis of fiscal policy. Detail the effects of discretionary fiscal policies,

Present a thorough analysis of fiscal policy. Detail the effects of discretionary fiscal policies, the various policy levers, the impact.. Present a thorough analysis of fiscal policy. Detail the effects of discretionary fiscal policies, the various policy levers, the impact of crowding out, time lags, and automatic stabilizer. QUESTION TWO week 3 disc1 Discuss current … Read more

Write 1 paragraph for each person explaining their importance to the first wave feminist movement

Write 1 paragraph for each person explaining their importance to the first wave feminist movement and give background information about each women. Women’s Studies Write 1 paragraph for each person explaining their importance to the first wave feminist movement and give background information about each women. Susan B. Anthony Soujourner Truth Sarah Grimke Solution Preview … Read more

Documentation detailing the requirements to move an idea from conceptualization to project initiation

Documentation detailing the requirements to move an idea from conceptualization to project initiation A Business Case Definition: Documentation detailing the requirements to move an idea from conceptualization to project initiation. For this assignment, I want you to compare and contrast a Business Case and a Business Plan. Include definitions and applications. Also please explore business … Read more

Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car

Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and is starting to have mechanical problems. Jim and Laura would share the new car, and use it to go back and forth … Read more

Discuss immigration to the United States 1830s-1850s

Discuss immigration to the United States 1830s-1850s Discussion – Immigration in the early 19th century Read Chapter 8, pages 309-313 – the section titled “Immigration.” Answer the following based only on the reading: 1. Discuss immigration to the United States 1830s-1850s. What factors might account for the increase? 2. Which groups were represented in larger … Read more

Remember a time when you did not have a cell phone? Do you remember the days before texting?

Remember a time when you did not have a cell phone? Do you remember the days before texting? This handy pocket technology has revolutionized Remember a time when you did not have a cell phone? Do you remember the days before texting? This handy pocket technology has revolutionized how we stay connected and how we … Read more

What are the pharmacological and physiological effects of substance use

What are the pharmacological and physiological effects of substance use What are the pharmacological and physiological effects of substance use? Select two substances from the following and describe at least two pharmacological and physiological effect of each (200-350 words each). Opioids Stimulants Cannabinoids Hallucinogens Another DSM Substance Use Disorder of your choice What is a … Read more

Discuss any operating system configuration that needs to be evaluated and hardened

Discuss any operating system configuration that needs to be evaluated and hardened Week 2 discussion deals with Operating systems and its vulnerabilities. An operating system is defined as the following: A software that manages the hardware and software of a system. It also provides the User Interface that allows humans to interact with the system. … Read more

Maladaptive Perfectionism as a Mediator and Moderator Between Adult Attachment and Depressive Mood

Maladaptive Perfectionism as a Mediator and Moderator Between Adult Attachment and Depressive Mood In preparation for this assignment, read the “Maladaptive Perfectionism as a Mediator and Moderator Between Adult Attachment and Depressive Mood” article located in the Topic 3 readings. Write a 750-1,000-word paper about your selected article. Be sure to include the following in … Read more

Identify hidden opportunities or strategies that could help you face the obstacle

Identify hidden opportunities or strategies that could help you face the obstacle Keys to the Assignment The following instructions are adapted from Phase two: Write a personal mission statement. Write your vision (1-2 pages) Imagine it is 10 years into the future. You feel that you have achieved your potential and become the leader you … Read more

Assess potential corporate level strategies for the organization.

Assess potential corporate level strategies for the organization. USE  The Teavana Company In this section, you will be evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization. Write a 1,050-word minimum strategic evaluation in which you include the following: Evaluate potential business level strategies for the organization. Assess potential corporate level strategies for the organization. Assess potential … Read more

How does Lanesha’s temperament affect the situation

How does Lanesha’s temperament affect the situation For this assignment, you will learn about Lanesha Johnson, whose case story is available at… Listen to the Lecture and review the Learning Activity #1 Write a paper that addresses the following: From a cultural perspective, is it unusual that Grandmother Marietta is the primary caregiver? Discuss the ways in which … Read more

Create a 350- to 700-word Communication Management Plan

Create a 350- to 700-word Communication Management Plan Create a 350- to 700-word Communication Management Plan for the project in the attached scenario. Develop a table in which you identify project and portfolio stakeholders and their influence on the project Align effective communication tools and techniques with each stakeholder. Explain why the methods of communication identified are most effective. Format your … Read more

Describe how the respiratory system works to adjust blood pH.

Describe how the respiratory system works to adjust blood pH. Name 2 causes of lymphedema. Include a description as well as treatments. 2. Describe how the respiratory system works to adjust blood pH. Include the link between Carbon Dioxide and pH (Hint: watch videos in respiratory system unit). Requirements: Post must be at least 200 … Read more

Explain how you think that you fit with this assessment of that generation

Explain how you think that you fit with this assessment of that generation For this written assessment we will focus on generational diversity in the nursing population. Review table 12.2 on p. 379 of your textbook and address the following: Define and describe the four generations (veterans, baby boomers, generation x, and millennials) – name, … Read more

Describe how the Federal Reserve can use its authority

Describe how the Federal Reserve can use its authority What is a subprime mortgage? How did banks market mortgages? In 2004, the SEC eased leverage requirements for investment banks. What does this mean? (Remember Chapter 17 ratios?) Describe how the Federal Reserve can use its authority to attempt to stimulate the economy. One of the … Read more