Browse Questions

Huston Smith on the Origin of Religion

Huston Smith on the Origin of Religion In discussing Hinduism, Huston Smith explicitly floats an account of the origin of religion, and its function in human life. Does that account strike you as the sort of thing that insiders (i.e. members of various faith communities) would accept or reject? Why or why not? Option #2 … Read more

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication What is nonverbal communication? Why is it important for us to notice when the client is telling us their story? How can our nonverbal communication send positive or negative messages to the client? Describe an example of nonverbal communication you saw in video clip 4.2 and discuss how you felt the client’s nonverbal … Read more

Developing a Great Mission Statement

Developing a Great Mission Statement The CEO has also mentioned to you the mission statement will need to be updated. The current mission statement for Air Inc. is: “It is our mission to provide exceptional customer service and establish long term relationship with our clients.” The current mission statement for Plane Inc. is: “It is … Read more

Keeping market share can be as important as gaining market share. A competitor pharmaceutical

Keeping market share can be as important as gaining market share. A competitor pharmaceutical company is launching a product that will challenge Keeping market share can be as important as gaining market share. A competitor pharmaceutical company is launching a product that will challenge one of your very profitable medications. Describe some strategies that would … Read more

Developing Business Strategy

Developing Business Strategy Complete numbers 1-3 on page 42 from the course text: You must answer the questions directly and then you MUST use another company as a reference for successful business practices. Write your analysis in a 3-5 page APA formatted paper including at least 2 references in support of your paper. 1-3 page … Read more


MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR TREATMENT Choose a health care treatment option that is controversial and maybe costly. TOPIC: MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR TREATMENT Describe the positive and negative benefits from the treatment, evidence of effectiveness, and the potential harm of a different treatment option. What strategies would you use to advocate for a legislative change in your … Read more

Prepare a presentation in which you explain the importance of innovation

Prepare a presentation in which you explain the importance of innovation in your selected business’s vision, mission, and values, Prepare a presentation in which you explain the importance of innovation in your selected business’s vision, mission, and values, and determine your business model for this new division. Include the following: Propose a new product or service for … Read more

Use all three perspectives (functionalism, conflict and interactionism) to analyze one of the following issues

Use all three perspectives (functionalism, conflict and interactionism) to analyze one of the following issues: fraternities and sororities Use all three perspectives (functionalism, conflict and interactionism) to analyze one of the following issues: fraternities and sororities, social networking sites, or employer/employee relations. Refer to Ch. 1 to review the three major sociological perspectives. (Griffiths, et. al. (2015). Introduction to sociology (2nd … Read more

Best practices to enhance millennial leaders

Best practices to enhance millennial leaders Your company’s Vice President of Human Resources has approached your team for assistance in recruiting and developing your organization’s future leaders. 60% of your company consists of millennials, and your team has been charged with how to successfully increase the number of millennials as leaders in your organization. At … Read more

Business Torts and Ethics

Business Torts and Ethics Imagine you own Springfield Arms Apartments, a business that rents primarily to students. One evening, your tenant Sharon is attacked by an intruder who forces the lock on the sliding glass door of her ground-floor apartment. Sharon’s screams attract the attention of Darryl, your resident manager, who comes to Sharon’s aid. Together, … Read more

Explain the scientific and technical concepts related to nuclear medicine

Explain the scientific and technical concepts related to nuclear medicine Nuclear medicine is a specialized branch of modern medicine that exploits the process of radioactivity for imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. Many imaging techniques inject small amounts of radioactive material into the body, which are then tracked by a sensing device specific to the type of … Read more

What are the social message being portrayed in Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere’s play

What are the social message being portrayed in Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere’s play What are the social message being portrayed in Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere’s play, ‘Tartuffe’? (paper should contain 275-350 words). Please write a good paper, correct grammar and good coverage. Solution Preview Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere’s play, ‘Tartuffe’ has used satire to depict how religious life … Read more

Literary Theme and Its Elements

Literary Theme and Its Elements Story link… Essay #3: Literary Theme and Its Elements   In the first part of this semester we have looked at many stories that revealed a variety of different themes.  In order to uncover those themes we looked at plot, symbolism, characterization, and point of view among other important literary aspects.  What … Read more

Article Critique on the different personality types or behaviors in the workplace

Article Critique on the different personality types or behaviors in the workplace Article Critique on the different personality types or behaviors in the workplace As a leader, it is expected for you to be able to identify with the workers within the organization. This process can take place during basic observation, performance evaluations, attendance, interaction … Read more

Write a 700- to 900 -word paper that discusses the health care service providers

Write a 700- to 900 -word paper that discusses the health care service providers Select two health care service providers. Write a 700- to 900 -word paper that discusses the health care service providers selected and the products and support they provide. Providers of Service Options: Preventive care or public health Ambulatory or primary care Subacute or long-term … Read more

Specific question related to mindfulness that can be addressed by exploring the available scientific research

Specific question related to mindfulness that can be addressed by exploring the available scientific research Mindfulness Research Paper In a three-page paper, pose a specific question related to mindfulness that can be addressed by exploring the available scientific research. Investigate your topic by reviewing and describing the published research studies, using at least five academic citations (that … Read more

Determine a student’s comprehension and intelligence when it comes to standardized testing

Determine a student’s comprehension and intelligence when it comes to standardized testing Need a 250 word response for the case/discussion post below debating/discussion of how IQ tests were handled and incorporated in these court cases. I chose the case of Larry p. vs. Riles (1979) to review. This particular case occurred in the San Francisco … Read more

Discuss the challenges for intelligence analysts when considering the usage of dual-use material.

Discuss the challenges for intelligence analysts when considering the usage of dual-use material. Your initial post should be at least 250 words but not more than 500 words.Forum Question: Discuss the challenges for intelligence analysts when considering the usage of dual-use material. week_4_reading Solution preview Dual-use commodities are materials with standard and licit attributes which can … Read more

What should be America’s role in the Middle East or around the world

What should be America’s role in the Middle East or around the world Week 10 Discussion Option 1 Social Policy – Please respond to the following: Research the current debates from the past 6 months about Social Security and Medicare. Identify one issue in the Social Security or Medicare debate and discuss two changes that … Read more

Discussion Board Question – Write about attitude

Discussion Board Question – Write about attitude Discussion Board Question – Write about attitude. Review the key terms listed at the end of Chapters 1–4. Terms may not be duplicated and must be reserved on the Discussion Board Forum. Pick 1 of them and post your thread according to the detailed instructions/example and rubric provided. … Read more

Share one of the oral stories that has been passed down in your own family

Share one of the oral stories that has been passed down in your own family Make something up Share one of the oral stories that has been passed down in your own family and elaborate on how the story has changed or remained consistent throughout the years. Develop your story in a 1-2 page Word … Read more

Share one of the oral stories that has been passed down in your own family

Share one of the oral stories that has been passed down in your own family Make something up Share one of the oral stories that has been passed down in your own family and elaborate on how the story has changed or remained consistent throughout the years. Develop your story in a 1-2 page Word … Read more

There are many examples of case management portrayals in media

There are many examples of case management portrayals in media movie for case There are many examples of case management portrayals in media, including film. Choose a movie that showcases the work of a case manager, social worker, or Humans Service Professional. Watch the movie and pay close attention to the skills that are exemplified … Read more

Watch videos about the 1999 controversy at the Brooklyn Museum

Watch videos about the 1999 controversy at the Brooklyn Museum Artist Spotlight- Chris Ofili vs. Mayor Rudy Giuliani Art Criticism Read material below and watch videos about the 1999 controversy at the Brooklyn Museum involving artist Chris Ofili and then Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Briefly describe the nature of the controversy and take one side (TAKE … Read more

Explain the relationship between three aspects of science

Explain the relationship between three aspects of science Environmental Science and Human Population Worksheet Using the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources, answer each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words. Be sure to provide references for the sources you use. Question Response Is the current growth rate of the human population sustainable? … Read more

How much effort do you put into your pet’s happiness

How much effort do you put into your pet’s happiness Easy Sociology Response Take your 2-3 Love Questions (attached at the bottom of this) and ask these questions to 1 person (it can be anyone – friend or family member). Remember what we discussed in class regarding the researcher’s role in interviewing. (You don’t actually … Read more

What type of blood cell would pose the greatest threat

What type of blood cell would pose the greatest threat Fantastic voyage Fantastic Voyage is a science fiction movie in which a group of scientists in a submarine are miniaturized and injected into a patient s bloodstream. Their mission is to travel to the patient s brain and remove a blood clot that has caused … Read more

Cyber Security Book Report

Cyber Security Book Report Cyber Security Book Report I need a book report of ( Cyberphobia ): Identity, Trust, Security and the Internet by Edward Lucas two pages single-spaced (approximately 1300 words) Book link],+Trust,+Security+and+the+Internet+pdf&source=bl&ots=cdxCnx1Krg&sig=oyST0MNLQZDpboHPG0iqkSyLTDo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihqeGnusrZAhWDUhQKHU3gAdA4ChDoAQg4MAE#v=onepage&q=Cyberphobia%3A%20Identity%2C%20Trust%2C%20Security%20and%20the%20Internet%20pdf&f=fals This link can also be helpful   Solution preview Many people express a relaxed attitude when it comes to cybersecurity. … Read more

Introduction to Management Information Systems

Introduction to Management Information Systems Introduction to Management Information Systems Read at least three (3) academically reviewed articles on Management Information Systems and complete the following activities: (Wikipedia articles will not be accepted. Professor will check originality of all posts). 1. Summarize all three (3) articles in 300 words or more. Please use your own words. … Read more

Review its most recent statement of cash flows and income statement on the company’s Website

Review its most recent statement of cash flows and income statement on the company’s Website Part 1: Must be a min of 250 words Research one (1) publicly traded company in which you are interested using the Internet and/or Strayer databases. Review its most recent statement of cash flows and income statement on the company’s … Read more

Case Study of the Venezuelan Crisis: min 1000 words

Case Study of the Venezuelan Crisis: min 1000 words Case Study of the Venezuelan Crisis: min 1000 words Begin with a brief paragraph explaining what the crisis or issue is and then develop a brief history of how it has developed.This has an interpretive element, in that you are selecting some facts and not others, … Read more

Describe three fundamental policy measures that those countries need to promote in order to benefit from globalization

Describe three fundamental policy measures that those countries need to promote in order to benefit from globalization Globalization International Business Globalization: While many domestic institutions play an important role in the globalization process, describe three fundamental policy measures that those countries need to promote in order to benefit from globalization. How would these policies be … Read more

Write a 2-3 page paper describing Wangari Maathai’s Green Belt Movement.

Write a 2-3 page paper describing Wangari Maathai’s Green Belt Movement. The Greenbelt Movement Review the following videos as shown earlier in the Lectures:! Using APA-style formatting, write a 2-3 page paper describing Wangari Maathai’s Green Belt Movement. In your response, list four ways in which we can use … Read more

How does Respect for Diversity connect with the course material this week

How does Respect for Diversity connect with the course material this week Reflection Journal Overview: Welcome to the week 3 reflection journal. Throughout the course you will reflect on your weekly research experience and make connections to previous learning as well as the university learning outcomes. Directions: In the week 3 reflection we will be … Read more

You are the General Manager of an organization of a legal entity

You are the General Manager of an organization of a legal entity Minimum of four pages (Some content on page 5) but no maximum limitations on page content. Responses must be ample text to directly answer the questions. No Bullet dots – must be sentence structure and within paragraphs. ****Task and/or Project: Prepare a “Report” which in conclusion would … Read more

Evaluate communication strategies needed for effective organizations

Evaluate communication strategies needed for effective organizations Effective Organization For this Portfolio Project option, you will prepare a research paper that analyzes the elements of effective organizations. Your paper should address the following: Describe the components necessary for an effective organizational structure, evaluating how working in a global economy may impact the function of an … Read more

Writing an essay about a particular theme of the novel 

Writing an essay about a particular theme of the novel Writing an essay about a particular theme of the novel Requirements: 3-4 pages in MLA format, use 5-6 in-text citations and 2-3 block quotations. You do not have to use any outside resources (unless you want to), but you still need a Works Cited page. … Read more

Watch and write about one of the three Japanese theatre styles.

Watch and write about one of the three Japanese theatre styles. Watch and write about one of the three Japanese theatre styles. Last week we took some time to look at a play’s given circumstances and a play’s background and structure. We took this time to study these areas because of the value of what … Read more

How are your two philosophers coming along?

How are your two philosophers coming along? 1 paragraph, we would work a couple of weeks on the same subject. Socrates,Plato, Aristotle, St. Aquinas, Augustine APA style. Please see Attachment How are your two philosophers coming along? Take time to finalize your search for the two and write your faculty member a paragraph in which … Read more

Knowledge management and BLockchain

Knowledge management and BLockchain Knowledge management and BLockchain Description APA style referencing and in text citation ,1.5 spacing Introduction ,Literature Review part(4 article) issues ,Suggestion ,Conclusion please do it for Literature review part only you should use 4 article from recognized sites like IEEE ,sciencedirect ,…   1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 1. Block chain Technology … Read more

Create a organizational plan for a fictional Christian healthcare organization

Create a organizational plan for a fictional Christian healthcare organization Create a organizational plan for a fictional Christian healthcare organization. In the context of a Christian healthcare provider describe a fictional Christian healthcare organization you’re attempting to open and obtain funding for. The organizational plan should include and describe the following: The physical location where … Read more

Research the following topics related to quality management:

Research the following topics related to quality management: Quality Management, What is Quality. The information needed for this Journal is in the attachment. This journal should not really have to be cited it should be in your own words. You will complete a Journal each week. Each week, you will work on one aspect that … Read more

Explain your feelings or/and changes in your behavior or views that have come about.

Explain your feelings or/and changes in your behavior or views that have come about. You are going to write something that you have learned from the course. Please describe something you have learned from the readings. Relate it to your work, or education, or personal experiences. It could be an attitude shift or revelation that … Read more

Explain the issue of “omitted skill variables” in relation to wage discrimination

Explain the issue of “omitted skill variables” in relation to wage discrimination Labour Economics Assignment (Two) Answer the following questions in full sentences. Use a graph if it helps with your explanation. Explain the issue of “omitted skill variables” in relation to wage discrimination. Explain why you think this is or is not an important. … Read more

Discussion Forum:Security Policies and the Enterprise 

Discussion Forum:Security Policies and the Enterprise Discussion Forum:Security Policies and the Enterprise Discuss the statement, “a cybersecurity policy is the sin qua non of a well-managed security program of any enterprise.” Your discussion should touch upon both the positive and the negative aspects of a well-structured policy. Be sure to cite examples from credible sources … Read more

What characteristics make the organization a team-based organization

What characteristics make the organization a team-based organization Team-Based Organizations Paper All organizations use teams. Conduct research on an organization that has self-identified as a team-based organization. In your paper, identify the organization and open with a detailed history on its successful use of teaming. Then, answer these questions: What characteristics make the organization a … Read more

Research what Homeland Security is and the different ways that I can get involved to help make a stronger homeland

Research what Homeland Security is and the different ways that I can get involved to help make a stronger homeland Post 1: Mary For this week’s discussion I decided to research what Homeland Security is and the different ways that I can get involved to help make a stronger homeland. The Department of Homeland Security … Read more

Why do some industries become global while others remain local or regional

Why do some industries become global while others remain local or regional  Financial institutions discussion question… Discuss any three questions (at end of each chapter in the textbook preferably one from each chapter)   Solution preview Many factors determine whether a business will make moves to become global or be content in operating in … Read more

Discuss how the event or work of art relates to the concept of wellness

Discuss how the event or work of art relates to the concept of wellness Seeking short answers to these questions. – – -The topic I chose is Obesity 1. Discuss a specific work of art or a historical event with regard to its relationship to wellness. Share a link and/or summarize your topic so that … Read more

Powerpoint with 4-5 slides talk about Coyote Creek environmental issue

Powerpoint with 4-5 slides talk about Coyote Creek environmental issue Powerpoint with 4-5 slides talk about Coyote Creek environmental issue Use more pictures and less words (mainly bullets and then speak on the bullets/pictures) Make a powerpoint with 4-5 slides 10 minutes Pollution Coyote Creek San Jose Environmental issue (source, history, effects on environment, overall … Read more