Browse Questions

Social Media sites

Social Media sites Social Media is revolutionizing the way we communicate with one another. It also is becoming a medium of choice in the way that companies advertise. Provide a comprehensive response for each of following questions: Solution Preview for APA 355 Words

The difference between integrative and distributive bargaining

The difference between integrative and distributive bargaining Class, Integrative bargaining basically means both parties win. Both parties attempt to find resolution to achieve their goals. The difference between integrative and distributive bargaining is that in distributive, there is only one winner or achieving a goal as through integrative, both parties are winners. Integrative bargaining can … Read more

The Relationship between the Feminist Freedom Warriors Project and “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Adichie

The Relationship between the Feminist Freedom Warriors Project and “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Adichie Relate the Feminist Freedom Warriors project to the Minnich text or to any of the videos we have watched in class, such as Chimamanda Adichie’s TED talks “The Danger of a Single Story” and “We Should All … Read more


GENRE/ERA OF AMERICAN POPULAR MUSIC First, discuss your favorite genre/era of American popular music that we have covered up to this point. What is it about this music that draws you to it? Is this music new to you, or have you been exposed to it before? Has your perception changed as a result of … Read more

The deportation of latinos should be stopped because it is affecting the community

The deportation of latinos should be stopped because it is affecting the community MLA format 9 page research paper 6-12 sources with work cited page. “The deportation of latinos should be stopped because it is affecting the community at large by breaking up families and creating an environment.” Solution Preview for The deportation of latinos … Read more

Explain the dynamics of teamwork

Explain the dynamics of teamwork This assignment provides you with an opportunity to explain the dynamics of teamwork, including motivation, conflict resolution, and leadership. First, read the scenario below. Scenario: The vice president (VP) of marketing has hired you as the leader whose first task involves implementing a new process for applying customer service within the … Read more

Anthropology Religion

Anthropology Religion 1.Choose a ”religious” ritual to observe: Church service, Baptism, Wiccan gathering, Funeral, Quincenara, bar-mitzvah, Luau, etc(excludes any activity that is harmful to self or others or illegal. 2.Do a ”literature search”. Make sure you do a backround check (google,wikipedia, on the people and places you plan on obseving. The more information you have … Read more

Ambassador Briefing

Ambassador Briefing The American ambassador to Saudi Arabia : Christopher P.Henzel Use as many sources as you need. Including social media Track that ambassador! you will track this individual’s location and dealings to create a briefing. This briefing on your ambassador should include : his/her biography, his/her movement and dealings from August 2018 until the … Read more

New Jerusalem from the Apostle John’s perspective

New Jerusalem from the Apostle John’s perspective From classical times art has been assessed from the threefold standard of “the good, the true, and the beautiful.” These three ideals have been called the “transcendentals,” the basis of a standard of judgment that supersedes even the realm of the gods, as Plato saw it. Despite almost … Read more

Type of organization focus: an outpatient addiction program

Type of organization focus: an outpatient addiction program Type of organization focus: an outpatient addiction program Compose a 1-to-2-page fact sheet detailing a program evaluation method/process and why it would be appropriate within a specific human services organization. When you conduct your research, it may be helpful to have a specific type of organization in … Read more

Social Issues in Pygmalion and The Importance of Being Earnest

Social Issues in Pygmalion and The Importance of Being Earnest Social Issues in Pygmalion and The Importance of Being Earnest Both plays emphasize issues with class during the turn of the century. Are the statements these plays make about class in Great Britain at this time more similar, or more different? With this choice, it … Read more

Qualities and Habits of Functional Human Service Teams

Qualities and Habits of Functional Human Service Teams Qualities and Habits of Functional Human Service Teams Write a 2-page paper outlining how and why you would select members for one of the committees or the team listed below. The committee or team will function within a local community action group: A committee dedicated to securing … Read more

Form of resistive behavior

Form of resistive behavior What form of resistive behavior (or difficult behavior displayed by a group member) would you find most problematic in one of your groups and why? How might you work in a therapeutic way with such a member’s behavior? Solution preview for the order on form of resistive behavior APA 332 words

Opiate abuse in Connecticut

Opiate abuse in Connecticut Research information about the recent increase in opiate abuse in Connecticut . This paper must have statistical data the behaviors that come with the use of opiate and alcohol abuse. Also include information about resources used to help treat addicts. If you come across anything about the increase in homelessness feel … Read more

Comparing Cheerios and Raisin Bran

Comparing Cheerios and Raisin Bran Comparing Cheerios and Raisin Bran Question 1: Go to the grocery store or visit your cabinet at home. Look for the healthiest cereal you can find.  Be sure to look at the whole label (calories, fat, sugar, fiber, vitamins/minerals, etc.) as you make your decision. For your initial post Post … Read more

Dietary planning tool

Dietary planning tool Dietary Guidelines Assignment 20 points Part 1 (10 points) For this assignment you will need to review the following materials:  The information on Dietary Guidelines in your textbook beginning on page 40, The executive summary for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015,  nutrition professor Marion Nestle’s perspective on the new guidelines, the … Read more

Police violence against women of color and black women

Police violence against women of color and black women Give about 2 pages summary of the article. I have attached the article below. 20181204013704a_ritchie_intro Solution Preview for Police violence against women of color and black women APA 586 Words

When Miranda Warnings are required

When Miranda Warnings are required Pick a topic from those listed below and: a:Research The Topic and pick a case that makes a ruling concerning the topic The Brief of the case should be in the following format: 1.Name of the Case to include the citation and year decided eg., Miranda v Arizona 384 U.S. … Read more

Identify and describe your country’s approach to economic integration

Identify and describe your country’s approach to economic integration Week 4: Identify and describe your country’s approach to economic integration (bilateral, regional and global integration – all that apply). Who are your country’s strongest allies? What are some of the major agreements that have had the most impact – whether positive or negative – on … Read more

Assessment and Eligibility Brochure

Assessment and Eligibility Brochure IDEA requires IEP teams to notify parents of their rights and procedural safeguards when informing parents about the need for assessment to determine eligibility or to re-evaluate to show growth. IEP teams must describe the purpose of assessments and describe the assessments that will be used when securing permission to evaluate … Read more

Personality traits

Personality traits Psychologists have identified five main personality traits, often called the “Big Five” or the five-trait model. Think about the “Big Five” personality traits we studied in class. Then select a real or fictional character from literature, film, television, or public life. How could the “Big Five” model be used to understand the character’s … Read more


FILM REACTION he Film Reaction is worth 100 points. The grading rubric for the Film Reactions are as follows: 1) Main idea is presented and your response is related to the questions presented, 2) Responses to questions are substantive and at least 4 sentences, 3) Evidence, quotes and/or specific examples are referenced in your reaction … Read more

Adaptive Response

Adaptive Response As an advanced practice nurse, you will examine patients presenting with a variety of disorders. You must, therefore, understand how the body normally functions so that you can identify when it is reacting to changes. Often, when changes occur in body systems, the body reacts with compensatory mechanisms. These compensatory mechanisms, such as … Read more

Kookie Kutter Bakery Paper

Kookie Kutter Bakery Paper analysis of the case, prepare a response to the following questions: 1) Can Ceretti afford to develop new cookies? 2) Would developing new cookies and investing in more marketing potentially reap sufficient benefits for Kookie Kutter Bakery? 3) What should be recommended to Ceretti to continue growing his business and to … Read more

Division of powers

Division of powers Fortunately, under the U.S. federal system of government, the powers of each level of government are clearly defined and understood. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. All levels of government must obey it.State constitutions set up rules that govern the people of each state. These state constitutions must … Read more

Buena Vista Social Club’ Reflection Paper

Buena Vista Social Club’ Reflection Paper documentary”Buena Vista Social Club” on the Netflix and write about what you have learned about the music culture featured in the movie. The Paper should be Three Paragraphs-explaining how Geography, Ethnography and Musicology contribute to that Music culture’s unique contribution. Solution Preview for Buena Vista Social Club’ Reflection Paper APA … Read more

My Experience without a Phone

My Experience without a Phone six consecutive hours WITHOUT texting, talking on your cell phone, surfing online in your computer or telephone checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, etc. Can you survive WITHOUT your IPod for six consecutive hours? How is life without social media and a cellular phone or a computer? For this assignment … Read more

Describe the AICPA’s standards for tax services and tax practitioners

Describe the AICPA’s standards for tax services and tax practitioners Describe the AICPA’s standards for tax services and tax practitioners who are CPA’s. Describe each statement, and then discuss it from a Biblical or Christian worldview, using scriptures to support your assertions. Solution Preview for Describe the AICPA’s standards for tax services and tax practitioners APA … Read more

How neurons work in the nervous system

How neurons work in the nervous system Psychologists have described the human nervous system as the communication and control center for the body. The nervous system allows us to take in information from the environment, communicate the information to different parts of the body, and coordinate the body’s response. The nervous system itself is made … Read more

Arbitration of Contact Disputes

Arbitration of Contact Disputes n Week 1, you learned about arbitration. Read Case 16.3 in your textbook. Research the full opinion on this case. This case deals with the arbitration of contract disputes in breaches of contracts. What facts/ideas justify the opinion of the court in this case? What alternatives could you suggest to eliminate … Read more

Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace There has been much talk about the interaction between your diversity area and Millennials, and you have been asked by the leadership team to conduct research and report your findings to the board. You will need to conduct research and included the following questions addressed in your report: Introduce your diversity … Read more

What are some of the rules that tax practitioners must abide by

What are some of the rules that tax practitioners must abide by Discussion Question 2. What are some of the rules that tax practitioners must abide by? How do they protect the interest of taxpayers Solution Preview for What are some of the rules that tax practitioners must abide by APA 343 Words

Theatre Appreciation

Theatre Appreciation (3-5 pages) research paper, about the SUBJECT OF YOUR CHOICE. Because this class is called Theatre Appreciation, it is important that you pursue something that interests you so that you may better appreciate theatre. The paper must be about theatre. See attached for some research ideas and directions. thanks THEATRE PAPER DUE 12-7 … Read more

Select an artist and describe the creative process as it applies to the art movement

Select an artist and describe the creative process as it applies to the art movement Select an artistic movement or group of individuals known for a distinctive style or type of creative work. This could also be an academic discipline. Describe the creative process as it applies to this group, discipline, or artistic movement. Identify … Read more

What value does the Taxpayer Bill of Rights have for the Taxpayer

What value does the Taxpayer Bill of Rights have for the Taxpayer Discussion Question 1. What value does the Taxpayer Bill of Rights have for the Taxpayer? Does it truly protect the interests of the taxpayer? Use tax and Biblical principles in your answer Solution Preview for What value does the Taxpayer Bill of Rights have … Read more

How does a famous person success

How does a famous person success A Few Things to Check on Your Paper • Make sure your introduction clearly lays out what you will be arguing. • Indent your paragraphs. • Avoid the use of personal pronouns in your essay. • Be sure to use transitional sentences to get from one paragraph to the next. • Check for run-on … Read more

American History

American History Description Write a 6 page essay and examine how the film American History X treats race, ethnicity, gender, class, and other forms of inequality Also for this film discuss deviance, education, and criminal justic Solution Preview for American History APA 1800 Words

Marketing Research Assignment

Marketing Research Assignment Q1. Please read the Carmex case study. Then watch the following video, which complements the case study a. Speaking about dependent variables. What are “engagement” and “likes” really measuring? b. Do you think this concept – either engagement or likes – could be measured in a different manner? If so, how? … Read more

Important of Accessing Healthcare

Important of Accessing Healthcare Read the essay and rewrite it. Please use Hcc research writing for your citation ( You can reduce the number of words if you think that is not neccessary. Solution Preview for Important of Accessing Healthcare APA 705 Words

Child Abuse

Child Abuse please respond to the following post with a long paragraph with your opinion, add citations and references. Child abuse is a sickening thought. Many children are hurt at home where they should feel safest. Nurses must be aware of the signs of child abuse and readily report any suspicious findings. Abuse can take … Read more

Physical Examination

Physical Examination please respond to the following post with a long paragraph with your opinion, add citations and references. There are many similarities when conducting a physical assessment on both a child or an adult, however, a child requires more patience and understanding. When performing a head-to-toe assessment on a child, like for an adult … Read more

Police Corruption

Police Corruption Explain the three levels of corruption and give an example of each. 1. Rotten apple 2. Pervasive unorganized 3. Pervasive organized Solution Preview for Police Corruption APA 312 Words

How did the radiation effect the people after the dropping of the atomic bomb

How did the radiation effect the people after the dropping of the atomic bomb This is the section in the research kit you will get your information and the assignment template is uploaded International Relations and Japanese and American Civilians 20181208001903his_100_research_kit 2018120800191920170613223400his100_research_plan_and_introduction_template Solution Preview for How did the radiation effect the people after the dropping of … Read more

The Healthy Provider

The Healthy Provider According to a major study, the most common complaint made by clients against licensed counselors, psychologists, and social workers involved violations of boundaries (Phelan, 2007). In most cases, when a licensed therapist was disciplined by an ethics board, it was due to the therapist engaging in an inappropriately intimate relationship with a … Read more

Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation Write a paper on female genital mutilations in the Masaai Women and women today in Europe. Explain why they do this and why it is ok to do this even today. Cite Sources in MLA format. This is not just about male dominance because it was the Grandmothers doing procedure long time … Read more

Fake news

Fake news For the last essay, the focus is on what happened, what is happening or what will happen in regards to the relationship between the media and politics. While not strictly mandatory, you will probably want to do at least some research to back up your position What has happened: The books you’ve read … Read more

Anthropology Gender and Sexuality

Anthropology Gender and Sexuality how has your ideas, opinions, thoughts, etc. regarding sex, gender identity and gendered roles, and sexuality changed (or not changed)? Has the information you learned in this course encouraged you to think differently about the topic of sex/gender/sexuality? Do you think you are more “open-minded” and informed about the topic of … Read more


Patagotitan The largest land animal of all time has been called Patagotitan; a sauropod found in Argentina. Why was it so big? How can animal so big survive with enough food and with carnivorous predators around? What did it eat? How did it move? The enormous size of this animal was such that scientists are puzzled … Read more

United nations Speech

United nations Speech Imagine you are the current president of the United States, Donald trump. You are giving a speech in front of the UN ( United Nations ). Giving information about the refugees situation in your country and mentioning all information regarding that matter. Including statistics and numbers with facts about the present situation. … Read more

What you experience when watching a play

What you experience when watching a play What you experience when watching a play In What Is Art? Leo Tolstoy wrote that one of the chief criteria in judging art is how powerfully the art transmits the feelings of the author to us. If art is “infectious,” if it gets under our skin and moves us to … Read more

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