Nutrition plays a big part in a patient’s care
Nutrition plays a big part in a patient’s care Nutrition plays a big part in a patient’s care that is being provided. Eating a well-balanced meal is important in regards to health promotion and helps in leading full and healthy lifestyles. Being knowledgeable regarding prominent noncommunicable diseases and proper dietary recommendations is the first step … Read more
Cultural competency in nursing environment
Cultural competency in nursing environment Please respond to the following post, with your opinion, add citations and references, if use it. A nurse can gather cultural information from family involvement. Families gather around in times of illness, for moral support and to offer input. Mothers are deeply involved in the care of their children, even … Read more
Define persuasion
Define persuasion Define persuasion. What makes someone persuasive? Give an example of persuasion from your personal or professional life and explain how it is relevant. Review some of your peers’ examples and discuss how you can relate or may have also felt persuaded. Solution Preview for Define persuasion APA 323 Words
Art History
Art History Cemetery Tour Graveyards and cemeteries are interesting, historical places. Each community has a final resting place of the prominent members of that area, usually accompanied by an equally prominent tomb or headstone. Outside of cemeteries, what is the most elaborate tomb that you can think of in your state? In the United States? What … Read more
Integrate personal and professional ethics to achieve organizational goals.
Integrate personal and professional ethics to achieve organizational goals. Integrate personal and professional ethics to achieve organizational goals. Identify personal ethics. Understand professional codes of ethics. Ensure personal and professional codes of ethics are in synch with organizational ethics. Instructions: You are the finance manager in a long term care facility that is struggling to … Read more
Employment Strategy
Employment Strategy Select a company that has violated at least two employment laws. Imagine that you are a HR manager within that organization. You have been tasked with developing a training to help prevent future violations of those HR laws. Compile research and information to include in your training. Address the following in 700 to 1,050 words from your … Read more
Nursing home facility
Nursing home facility Imagine that you run a nursing home facility in your area. Analyze and comment on the role public policy has in the economic aspect of running this type of health services center. Compare and contrast the economic challenges and incentives this type of health care model presents. What are some of the … Read more
Federal Employees Behaving Badly
Federal Employees Behaving Badly Please see pictures of the assignment below Description These papers are written assignments based on application exercises assigned from the text: Target Length: 3 to 4 pages (750 to 1000 words) Description of Task: Each paper is fully described in the pertinent assignment. Rubric Each paper will be evaluated based on … Read more
US CONSTITUTION Write an explanatory essay examining the principles laid out in the U.S. Constitution. Define the terms unalienable rights, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the freedoms of liberty as they pertained to the citizens of 1789 and as they still pertain to citizens today. Cite examples of each … Read more
Challenges of the convergence of physical security and information technology
Challenges of the convergence of physical security and information technology Discuss the challenges of the convergence of physical security and information technology, and how to overcome those challenges. Requirements: 1. 200 – 300 words 2. References Solution Preview for Challenges of the convergence of physical security and information technology APA 295 Words
Labour Relations
Labour Relations Why do people join unions? Distinguish between private and public labor Relations Discuss three major historical events that have shaped the labor movement we know today. Why did it take more than a century for unions to take hold in the United States? What was the significance of the Norris LaGuardia Act of … Read more
IT LAWS RELEVANT TO US -list 5 IT laws that effect us? 2-Define that laws? 3-Write about your reaction related to that IT laws in one paragraph Solution Preview for IT LAWS RELEVANT TO US APA 682 Words
Class Consciousness
Class Consciousness By the due date assigned, using the textbook and Argosy Online Library references that you may select, write a paper (minimum 750 words) using APA standards, that answers the questions below. First, from the Argosy University online library, select one of the following articles to read: Fantasia, Rick. (1995). From class consciousness to … Read more
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property In an essay, compare and contrast three elements of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property with Saudi Arabian Intellectual Property Laws discussed in this course. Explain how the points that you are discussing are similar or different. ** LOOK UP “TRIPS” AGREEMENT ON GOOGLE AND CHOOSE … Read more
Optional CAT
Optional CAT The Pew Research Center has conducted surveys on end-of-life decisions finding “…most Americans say there are some circumstances in which doctors and nurses should allow a patient to die. At the same time, however, a growing minority says that medical professionals should do everything possible to save a patient’s life in all circumstances.” Take … Read more
Corporate Usage Policy
Corporate Usage Policy ou have been asked to draft a corporate usage policy regarding the use of instant messaging. The policy should encourage the use of IM and chat while also providing useful guidance to avoid potential problems. What would you say in the policy? Using a Microsoft Word document, please post one federal and … Read more
Explain how we define the moment our ancestors crossed the threshold into humanness
Explain how we define the moment our ancestors crossed the threshold into humanness THE TASK: 1 Provide an example of both relative and absolute dating techniques. 2 Explain how we define the moment our ancestors crossed the threshold into humanness. ( required 100+ words ) 3 Reflect on one of the following prompts – select only … Read more
Ethical Issues of US Military’s Healthcare Ships
Ethical Issues of US Military’s Healthcare Ships Please answer only this question based on the case attached. One paragraph or two will do. no need for a full page. 1- The United States does not have universal healthcare. Explain the ethical issues that arise from the US military’s healthcare ships offering free medical services to … Read more
AMERICAN CULTURE A critical analysis serves as a way for you to examine the different elements of popular culture discussed in this course. For your final written assignment, discuss the media forms you have written about for your previous course portfolio essays. This essay should reflect upon your experience studying each form, and make distinctions … Read more
Performance of a logistics system
Performance of a logistics system You need to provide 2 references at least- 300- 400 or more words How can reducing packaging inefficiencies improve the performance of a logistics system? Solution preview for the order on performance of a logistics system APA 414 words
Evolution of Web Analytics
Evolution of Web Analytics In 3-full page APA formatted paper, discuss how web analytics has changed over the years. What should it look like in the future? What do you see as the biggest challenges facing web analytics and how can those challenges be overcome? Be sure to use proper citations and references within your … Read more
Health education programs
Health education programs A healthy Community would ideally be one that’s actively involved in physical, social, mental and spiritual activities (Maurer & Smith, 2012). A healthy Community offers access to health care for treatments and prevention to all members. It’s safe for all races, ages, sex and ethnic groups to participate in community actives. These … Read more
Evolution of Web Analytics
Evolution of Web Analytics In 3-full page APA formatted paper, discuss how web analytics has changed over the years. What should it look like in the future? What do you see as the biggest challenges facing web analytics and how can those challenges be overcome? Be sure to use proper citations and references within your … Read more
Impacts of Trade Agreements
Impacts of Trade Agreements write a short paper on the impacts of trade agreements. This submission will be graded with the Module Six Short Paper Guidelines and Rubricdocument. docx (1) Solution preview for the order on impacts of Trade Agreements APA 753 words
Nurse Practitioner Certification
Nurse Practitioner Certification Discuss the significance of national certification. How does being certified affect your scope of practice? What is the purpose of being certified? Can you practice without being certified? Discuss the similarities and differences of a FNP certification versus AGNP certification. Describe the process and required documents, applications, payment, and preparation for the … Read more
Compare and contrast new social media marketing trends with more traditional forms of advertising
Compare and contrast new social media marketing trends with more traditional forms of advertising We have been looking at successful ad campaigns using social media. Let’s apply this directly and see how this compares with older methods of advertising. Choose a recent social media campaign, possibly one you interacted with. Below are some possible examples: … Read more
Blood Spatter
Blood Spatter Topic: Blood Spatter (MLA Format) 1. What topic would appeal to you and why? 2 How will exploring this topic help you in your personal, academic, or working life? Content: The assignment has two paragraphs that are both clearly introduced and well focused, with enough supporting details to fully answer both questions. Organization: … Read more
Types of specific new programming techniques
Types of specific new programming techniques There are three types of specific new programming techniques described in this section: nonlinear, integer, and binary. Explain the three differences. Give a brief example of when each would be applicable in modeling. Which do you find to be most valuable? Why? In responding to at least two of … Read more
The Connected Consumer
The Connected Consumer Hello, I need one paragraph answering this question: What you thought was the most interesting point being made? It is a TED talk video. Please fins attached a link: Attachments area Preview YouTube video The [brand] connected consumer | Tiffany White | TEDxUIUC The [brand] connected consumer | Tiffany White | … Read more
Issue Equity or Debt
Issue Equity or Debt As a corporate issuer, how would you decide to either issue new stock or to borrow by issuing debt? What would the advantages of either be? The successful post will clearly and concisely describe the advantages and disadvantages of issuing equity vs debt. Solution Preview for Issue Equity or Debt APA … Read more
Public Relations & Non-Profit Organizations
Public Relations & Non-Profit Organizations Select a non-profit organization (e.g., American Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc.) and assess the role of public relations in that non-profit organization. Compare and contrast at least two characteristics between a for-profit organization and a non-profit organization. Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Solution Preview for … Read more
Global Impact of Public Relations
Global Impact of Public Relations Select an organization from the United States that conducts business in other countries and assess the impact of global public relations on buyer behavior (hint: Coca-Cola, Disney, McDonald’s, etc.). Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Solution Preview for Global Impact of Public Relations APA 324 Words
Gender Stereotyping
Gender Stereotyping For this Paper, you are required to investigate the ways in which the popular media portray gender in stereotypical ways. Look for stereotypes associated with women or men as a whole and/or stereotypes associated with particular groups of women or men based on race, class, sexual orientation, physical ability, etc. You need pick … Read more
Environmental Analysis Presentation
Environmental Analysis Presentation Perform an analysis of an environmental issue. Prepare a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as “Voice Thread” to add audio to your presentation. Include the following:Environmental Analysis (1) A description of an environmental … Read more
The basic economic problem
The basic economic problem Economics and how do we deal with it Based on your research of economics, what is the basic economic problem, and how do most of us deal with it as we live our economic lives? APA format. scholarly/academic sources only. Solution preview for the order on the basic economic problem … Read more
Conflict within Teams
Conflict within Teams Part 1: Conflict within Teams Think of a conflict that occurred in a team you were a part of and analyze it. What were the main sources of the conflict? What interventions can be used to improve the quality of conflict a team? Part 2: Creativity in Teams Evaluate yourself using the … Read more
Discuss how the U.S. should prepare for the future of public health
Discuss how the U.S. should prepare for the future of public health Discuss how the U.S. should prepare for the future of public health. For example, discuss some considerations to prepare for and reduce any effects from a bioterrorism attack, prepare for natural disasters, and plan for community disaster preparedness. In your summation, provide your … Read more
Economic Effects of Bond Yields
Economic Effects of Bond Yields Research bond yields historically from the 70s to the present. Describe secondary effects in the economy of the change in bond yields/cost to issue bonds. The successful submission will clearly and concisely describe the effects in the general economy of change in interest rates. Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points Meets … Read more
Ethical Gray Areas Discussion
Ethical Gray Areas Discussion Salespeople frequently face ethical gray areas—that is, behaviors that are not clearly unethical but might be under certain circumstances. In your initial discussion post, consider at least three of the following issues and discuss why you feel these could be unethical: Under-informing—failing to convey information that might be important to a … Read more
Genetics Research Paper
Genetics Research Paper You must cite at least five sources of reference material. Examples of citable publications include academic papers in professional journals, including Nature, Science, Cancer Research, or Discover, specialty books, or reputable scientific Web sites (citing their title and URL – see below). The review paper must be typed and double-spaced. It should be a … Read more
Tesla Motor’s Public Relations Efficiency
Tesla Motor’s Public Relations Efficiency For the Final Paper, you will be evaluating the public relations practices of an organization based on all of the chapters in the course text. Develop a paper that answers the following items based on an organization of your choice. You may pick any organization as long as your choice … Read more
Teaching a section on critical documentation
Teaching a section on critical documentation Consider this module’s reading and discussion of critical documentation. Pretend that you are teaching a classroom of first-year Human Services students. You are teaching a section on critical documentation. You will need to provide your students with a list of situations requiring critical documentation. What will you share with … Read more
What aspects of the constitution do you see that apply to ESSA of 2015
What aspects of the constitution do you see that apply to ESSA of 2015 In 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law. The law was marked for decreasing federal authority over states and school districts in providing education, but it still assigns key responsibilities to these entities. Do you think … Read more
Pregnancy assistance services
Pregnancy assistance services pregnancy assistance 50 Julie is a 33-year-old female. She comes to your agency seeking pregnancy assistance services. After reviewing Julie’s history, you learn that she has already had four children removed from her care due to “failure to protect” including subjecting them to her abusive boyfriends and substance abuse. Her parental rights … Read more
Motivational Interviewing to Inspire Change
Motivational Interviewing to Inspire Change Article Synopsis Michael D. Clark and OARS for Motivational Interviewing to Inspire Change OARS Acronym = Open Questions: Affirm, Reflect, and Summarize In his article on motivational interviewing for Federal Probation, Michael D. Clark, Director, Center for Strength-Based Strategies, recommends the OARS approach to open questioning. He argues that OARS … Read more
Security Questions
Security Questions QUESTION 1 In the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks, many security budgets were strained to provide more staff, more technology, and more protective infrastructure. Since security is often an overhead expense (i.e., does not add profit to the firm), what budget tools discussed in Sennewald would help you justify your security plan … Read more
LAN-MAN Connection
LAN-MAN Connection Description Complete the thinking outside the box assignment number 1 on page 268 of your textbook by researching the requirements needed to connect a LAN to a MAN. Write at least a two page paper in current APA format that provides the steps required to make the transition, new equipment that needs to … Read more
Healthcare Culture
Healthcare Culture Resource: Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Using this proposed rule Leveraging Medicaid Technology to Address the Opioid Crisis . Write a 300 word response to the following questions. Are there any cultural sensitivities that need to be considered because of the notice, rule, or proposed rule? Should all cultures … Read more
Cultural Competency
Cultural Competency What are the methods a nurse can use to gather cultural information from patients? How does cultural competence relate to better patient care? Discuss the ways in which a nurse demonstrates cultural competency in nursing practice. Solution Preview for Cultural Competency APA 244 Words
SWOT analysis planning approach
SWOT analysis planning approach Using the CPG and other sources, conduct whatever research is necessary to understand scenario-based, function-based, and capabilities-based planning approaches. To understand the strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats (SWOT) analysis planning approach, use any explanatory source that you find, readily available via the Internet. To fully understand all of these approaches, you will need to research … Read more