Recommend a decision for Rita and write an argument to support it
Recommend a decision for Rita and write an argument to support it You will need to recommend a decision for Rita and write an argument to support it. Specify the major decision options you think she has and use relevant criteria and evidence from the case to build the argument for your recommended. Word limit: … Read more
Life Cycle Management process
Life Cycle Management process Describe the “Life Cycle Management” process, and define some of the critical program events. Additionally, pick a journal article on issues addressing a contracting issue OTHER THAN “Performance-Based Contracting” or “Emerging Issues and Considerations”.The journal must be research oriented, such as those found in… or related journals. This means the article should cite references … Read more
Community health impact
Community health impact Community resources are an inherent part of capacity building. Identifying and analyzing the types of resources within a community provides you, as a health educator, a unique insight toward community health and well being. These activities also help you determine what resources a community may be lacking, as well as identify ways … Read more
Press piece about interracial union in the media
Press piece about interracial union in the media Provide a link (link must work) to one popular press piece about a past or current interethnic or interracial union in the media. (1 point) 2. Describe why this union is being profiled or of interest (1 point), citing one or more of the required readings (1 … Read more
Developing a code of ethics for your agency
Developing a code of ethics for your agency As you continue developing a code of ethics for your agency, this week you will be asked to address potential conflicts of interest. In a 1-2 page paper, address the following: What are your rules for serving clients who have close friends and family members who work … Read more
Strategies for Decision Making
Strategies for Decision Making W2 REFLECTION JOURNAL “WHY CRITICAL THINKING IS IMPORTANT” Strategies for Decision Making Why Critical Thinking Is Important Last week, you were asked to consider which stage of critical thinking you felt that you were in. This week, building off last week’s assignment and lecture, we know that employers are wanting more … Read more
Aspect of medicine concerned with identifying and studying diseases
Aspect of medicine concerned with identifying and studying diseases There is a difference between a group considered to be ‘at risk’ for poor health and a group viewed as ‘vulnerable’. To begin with, risks for diseases are studied by a branch of medicine known as epidemiology. This is an aspect of medicine concerned with identifying … Read more
Federally Qualified Health Centers
Federally Qualified Health Centers Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), often referred to as community clinics, are the first line of care for many patients. Analyze their target population and explain how they offer patients a financial motivation to receive care at an FQHC. RESOURCES Alba, A. D., Britigan, D. H., Lyden, E., & Johansson, P. … Read more
Explication essay from Poem Most Like an Arch This Marriage
Explication essay from Poem Most Like an Arch This Marriage Poem Description explication essay from Poem “”Most Like an Arch This Marriage”- containing 550 words with MLA formatting the explanation of the poem is for the poem “Most Like an Arch This Marriage Explanation Essay (1) (1) Solution preview for the order on explication essay … Read more
Public Voting
Public Voting Short Discussion Board Question Below. Public Voting. 1.Why do you choose to vote or not? What would it take to change your mind (to either vote or stop voting)? If you don’t want to reveal to the class if you vote or not, explain why voting behavior is better as a private endeavor. … Read more
Porter’s Five Forces of Competition framework
Porter’s Five Forces of Competition framework Critical Thinking: Industry Analysis (105 points) To prepare for this assignment, review Figures 2.2 and 2.3 from your textbook and the text relative to Porter’s Five Forces of Competition framework. Consider the role of the following key forces of suppliers, substitutes, buyers, and potential entrants. Select a Middle Eastern … Read more
Strengths of Affordable Care Act
Strengths of Affordable Care Act This is a capstone paper about Affordable care act. Its analysis of the policy and comparison of other policies. It’s about the strength of Affordable care act. It has to have citations, graph. Solution preview for the order on strengths of Affordable Care Act APA 1871 words
Employees’ usage of corporate email
Employees’ usage of corporate email You have been instructed by your boss to read your employees emails on the company email system to determine if they are wasting company time or sending inappropriate emails. Apply The Law and The Business Stakeholder Standard of Behavior (Guidelines) to this situation. Note: Here are the Business Stakeholder Standard … Read more
Essay about food wastes
Essay about food wastes Write essay about food waste by using 5 articles: 1- “One third of food is lost or wasted” 2- “It’s time to get serious about reducing food waste” 3- “Food waste in united states: a contributing factor toward environmental instability” by Hicky, Michael and Gulnihal Ozbay. 4-“How much food we waste? … Read more
Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Computing Machinery and Intelligence Description Turing and Searle disagree about machine intelligence. Explain the basic arguments each proposes for his view. Alan Turing, ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’ Preview the document(Excerpted from Mind (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., 1950, 49: 433-460, these are the references John Searle,’Minds, Brains & Computers’ Preview the … Read more
Analyze the pricing strategies
Analyze the pricing strategies Analyze the pricing strategies and discuss the following Details *Using the New York Times article, “Defiant, Generic Drug Maker Continues to Raise Prices,” conduct further research on the pricing strategies of generic drug manufacturers. In 750-1,000 words, analyze the pricing strategies and discuss the following: 1.Discuss the pricing decisions of generic … Read more
Important Principles to build an Organization
Important Principles to build an Organization Considering the concepts studied in the reading this week on managing talent (Rae and Wong, Chapter 7, “Ethics and the Management of Talent”) and reading response assignments in previous weeks and in the material presented in the classroom, summarize key principles that you think are important in building flourishing organizations. … Read more
Summer Bridge’s Effects on College Student Success
Summer Bridge’s Effects on College Student Success I would like to resubmit an assignment that I have already received a grade on it but, it’s not acceptable for my nor my GPA. You will find attached the (5) annotated bibliographies for each empirical article along with the rubic grading tool and result. I hope the … Read more
What are some of the stable themes of your life
What are some of the stable themes of your life Upon reading each chapter, comprehension of adult development theories, research, and issues should be demonstrated in written assignments and discussions with the mentor. The student will select 5 of critical thinking questions from each chapter and answer them in written format, summarizing key ideas, evaluating information, and relating … Read more
Homeland Security Unit 1 Discussion Board & Research Paper
Homeland Security Unit 1 Discussion Board & Research Paper Homeland Security. You need to have the Knowledge of it for this course for me to select you as a Tudor. I’m attaching the two questions and study guide. Must be APA and references cited. I have to Homeland Security Courses this semester. I prefer to use … Read more
American Foreign Policy
American Foreign Policy You must choose one of the questions below to answer. Start a new thread for the question that you select. Please type the question first, and then type your answer. Your post should have between 100 and 300 words and be written in paragraph format; however, it is not merely the number … Read more
Cross-Cultural Conundrum
Cross-Cultural Conundrum You are the manager of your local regional health clinic. You have a meeting with your Board of Trustees coming up in a few days. Your trustees have asked you to prepare a short presentation in response to an incident that occurred at your clinic just a few weeks ago: A young Native … Read more
Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning Over the past few years, There has been a lot of debate regarding potential changes to the FLSA including raising the minimum wage and increasing the salary threshold for exempt employees (increasing the salary threshold will increase the number of employees who are eligible for overtime compensation). If these changes are made, … Read more
Legalization of Marijuana
Legalization of Marijuana Some Quick Facts on Marijuana and Other Cannabinoids 1. Today, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. 2. Marijuana is derived from cannabis sativa or cannabis indica (hemp) plants. 3. The psychoactive substance in marijuana is THC. The average concentration is 10% but some forms can contain … Read more
Legal case analysis
Legal case analysis Students should have selected your company and a case your company has litigated (or is litigating) for your Legal Case Analysis. Please provide a brief summary for that case. The summary should state the name of the case, facts that led up to case, and generally what the case is about. Students … Read more
Avoiding Plagiarism
Avoiding Plagiarism Compose an essay of a minimum of 1200 words (minus abstract) defining plagiarism and providing five relevant examples. Submit in the form of an essay in APA style including a title page, abstract and SIX references. Ensure that the references are from peer-reviewed journals, government sources, other appropriate academically acceptable sources, or some … Read more
Trends in Recreation, Travel and Tourism
Trends in Recreation, Travel and Tourism Write 1800 ( I only need 300 words for this bullet)-word paper in which you compare the textbook definition of recreation, travel, and tourism with the reality of the destination city you selected for your Destination Presentation. In your paper, address the following: Identify at least four current trends that … Read more
Janitorial Service Contract Specifications
Janitorial Service Contract Specifications Government Contract Files You have awarded a contract for Janitorial Services. List and discuss the contents in your awarded contract file. List a fictional company name and be creative. The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: Write between 800 – 1000 words using Microsoft … Read more
Infant and Toddler Disorders
Infant and Toddler Disorders Infant and Toddler Disorders Scholarly Article Review Description For this assignment you will review a single scholarly article in the APUS Library and summarize what it says about a specific infant and toddler disorder of your choice (Infantile Autism, Tay-Sachs Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia and Cerebral Palsy are some examples). This … Read more
The impact of government structure on policy development
The impact of government structure on policy development Politics and the Law,The Health Care System and Economics of Health Care. Discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process. Describe the legislative, judicial, and administrative (executive) processes involved in establishing federal, state, or local health policy. Describe the organization of the public healthcare … Read more
The Miranda rights
The Miranda rights The Miranda rights is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody before they are interrogated, to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings (Miranda Rights). These rights came about following a famous supreme court decision Miranda v. Arizona (Schmalleger … Read more
Role of wholesaling intermediaries
Role of wholesaling intermediaries Do wholesaling intermediaries provide any ultimate value to customers, or do they just interfere with the process of retailing? Explain the reasons for your answer. Has the emergence of the Internet played a role in retailing and wholesaling transactions? If so, how? Solution preview for the order on role of … Read more
Customer-service experience
Customer-service experience Consider a customer-service experience you have had in the last month or so. Was it positive or negative? Describe your experience and then point out specific ways in which the firm might strengthen its customer service. Solution preview for the order on customer-service experience APA 388 words
Resolving organizational conflict
Resolving organizational conflict How has learning about the DMAIC process informed your decision making when it comes to resolving organizational conflict? I had a very solid foundation with the DMAIC process through my time in the military. I had the opportunity to become Six Sigma certified and earn my Black Belt in this process. I … Read more
Calculating an organization’s net income
Calculating an organization’s net income Intermediate Accounting, Ch. 15 Stock Options/Stock Compensation (SELINA STEWART ) Why do companies offer stock options? Should stock-option compensation be included as an expense when calculating an organization’s net income? Explain why or why not. If so, how should the amount of expense be calculated? Intermediate Accounting, Ch. 16 Common … Read more
Criminal justice and the community summary
Criminal justice and the community summary When writing your summary, answer the following questions: Criminal justice and the community summary What is the thesis statement? What is the main idea the author is making? What are the main arguments? What is the evidence? Is it empirical data? Is it just an opinion? Does it have … Read more
Relationship between stress and health
Relationship between stress and health Peer-Reviewed Research: Choose a maximum of one or two of your diseases or disorders from the last assignment. It will be easier if they are related to each other (i.e. both are about a similar system of the body or both are behavioral health). Each student is responsible for a … Read more
Best learning/development initiative
Best learning/development initiative Learning Activity Conduct a needs analysis, based on last week’s plan, to determine if the issue you have identified could be successfully addressed with a training or non-training intervention (such as job aids, reward/recognition, or reorganization of a process). Analyze your data and make some preliminary recommendations: What do you believe the … Read more
Why are maquilas beneficial to employers
Why are maquilas beneficial to employers In their article “Two Cheers for Sweatshops,” why do Kristoff and WuDunn only give two cheers for sweatshops? Why not the full three cheers? • According to Mattson, Ayer, and Gerson (2006), what is a maquila? • Based on your understanding of the article by Mattson, Ayer, and Gerson … Read more
Field and hospital based decontamination protocols.
Field and hospital based decontamination protocols. Research and review the differences between field and hospital based decontamination protocols. 2.Assess pediatric considerations when performing decontamination, in general, and nerve agent care, specifically. 5-full pages Solution preview for the order on field and hospital based decontamination protocols. APA 1650 words
Professional development opportunities for early childhood educators
Professional development opportunities for early childhood educators Research six professional development opportunities for early childhood educators for your area of interest, and discuss these and other opportunities with your classroom teacher. Of those six professional development opportunities, three are to be for the Birth to Age 5/Pre-K environment and three are to be for the … Read more
The top-down and bottom-up budgeting processes
The top-down and bottom-up budgeting processes Describe the differences between the top-down and bottom-up budgeting processes. Compare and contrast the two processes and explain when one process might be preferred over the other. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to … Read more
Industrial America: Corporations and Conflicts
Industrial America: Corporations and Conflicts Industrial America: Corporations and Conflicts; Andrew Carnegie, Wealth, 1899 – ESSAY The paper should be 800-1000 words (3 to 4 pages), double spaced, and 12 Pt. Font Times New Roman. Please include a title of your paper, name, and date. This paper is based primarily on: Henretta, ed. Chapter 16: … Read more
Competitive advantage of using the technology.
Competitive advantage of using the technology. PPT: Instructions: Provide an overview of the company and emerging technology. Discuss the competitive advantage of using the technology. Discuss the challenges encountered implementing and maintaining the technology. Describe the future of the technology. Include at least three lessons learned from this team project. Required minimum 20 slides should … Read more
Current and Emerging Technology
Current and Emerging Technology Subject: Current and Emerging Technology, Topic: Artificial Intelligence, (No Plagiarism) Paper Topic: Artificial Intelligence Outline Paper: Instructions: Include the topics that will be covered. Include the list of identified references. APA format Required 2 pages (no Plagiarism) Outline i need in 2 – 3 hours Research Paper: Instructions: Select a company … Read more
Primary reasons why organizations fail
Primary reasons why organizations fail 150 words compose an answer on a word document. List 2 primary reasons why organizations fail. Discuss what the organization can do to avoid failing. Solution preview for the order on primary reasons why organizations fail APA 197 words
Diversity and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions
Diversity and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions Globalization and Diversity Instructions You recently attended a conference for your company on Diversity and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. As part of the initiative on going to the conference, you are to prepare a report on what you learned to incorporate into the company. Make sure you address the following questions … Read more
American Civil Liberties Union
American Civil Liberties Union According to American Civil Liberties Union (ALCU), “Racial Profiling” refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. Criminal profiling, generally, as practiced by police, is reliance on a group of characteristics they believe … Read more
True racial profiling
True racial profiling True racial profiling, in which people are targeted solely because of race or ethnicity, is both illegal and immoral. It ruins the public trust and reduces the effectiveness of law enforcement. The word “racial” in itself is partiality, showing favoritism. It is one sided, it is a lack of justice. When you … Read more
Community health needs assessment project.
Community health needs assessment project. Public health community For Part I of the Final Project, read this week’s resources. Then, determine the community you would like to focus on for your community health needs assessment project. This can be the community you reside in or a community with which you are familiar. Select a population … Read more