Nursing practice
Nursing practice What are the methods a nurse can use to gather cultural information from patients? How does cultural competence relate to better patient care? Discuss the ways in which a nurse demonstrates cultural competency in nursing practice. Solution preview for the order on nursing practice APA 244 words
Behaviorism and humanism theories
Behaviorism and humanism theories Identify areas within at least three of the theories that are summarized (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism) that you do not have prior knowledge about. Discuss your previous knowledge (what you do know) about this content and how it supports, or does not support, the things you read about for which … Read more
Every Student Succeeds Act
Every Student Succeeds Act In 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law. The law was marked for decreasing federal authority over states and school districts in providing education, but it still assigns key responsibilities to these entities. Do you think these responsibilities help, “promote student achievement and preparation for global … Read more
Economic Effects of Bond Yields
Economic Effects of Bond Yields Research bond yields historically from the 70s to the present. Describe secondary effects in the economy of the change in bond yields/cost to issue bonds. The successful submission will clearly and concisely describe the effects in the general economy of change in interest rates. chapter_10_sexualities Solution preview for the order … Read more
Gender Stereotyping
Gender Stereotyping For this Paper, you are required to investigate the ways in which the popular media portray gender in stereotypical ways. Look for stereotypes associated with women or men as a whole and/or stereotypes associated with particular groups of women or men based on race, class, sexual orientation, physical ability, etc. You need pick … Read more
Issue Equity or Debt
Issue Equity or Debt Need between 75 to 150 words. As a corporate issuer, how would you decide to either issue new stock or to borrow by issuing debt? What would the advantages of either be? The successful post will clearly and concisely describe the advantages and disadvantages of issuing equity vs debt. Solution preview … Read more
Common elements of the TCP three-way handshake
Common elements of the TCP three-way handshake Description Question A What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication, and what are the additional elements that can be sent when the handshake fails? 200 words Question B What are the differences between centralized and distributed network routing and which method is … Read more
Web Analytics – Challenges and Changes
Web Analytics – Challenges and Changes In 3-full page APA formatted paper, discuss how web analytics has changed over the years. What should it look like in the future? What do you see as the biggest challenges facing web analytics and how can those challenges be overcome? Be sure to use proper citations and references … Read more
End-of-life decisions finding
End-of-life decisions finding Me personally, i believe in euthanasia and that the patient can have the right to choose how they want to die. The Pew Research Center has conducted surveys on end-of-life decisions finding “…most Americans say there are some circumstances in which doctors and nurses should allow a patient to die. At the … Read more
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property In an essay, compare and contrast three elements of the world Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property with Saudi Arabian Intellectual Property Laws discussed in this course. Explain how the points that you are discussing are similar or different. ** LOOK UP “TRIPS” AGREEMENT ON GOOGLE AND … Read more
Private and public labor Relations
Private and public labor Relations Essay Questions Answer the following essay questions: Why do people join unions? Distinguish between private and public labor Relations Discuss three major historical events that have shaped the labor movement we know today. Why did it take more than a century for unions to take hold in the United States? … Read more
Healthy lifestyles
Healthy lifestyles Respond to the following post, with your opinion, add citations and references. Nutrition plays a big part in a patient’s care that is being provided. Eating a well-balanced meal is important in regards to health promotion and helps in leading full and healthy lifestyles. Being knowledgeable regarding prominent noncommunicable diseases and proper dietary recommendations … Read more
Corporate Culture in Outsourcing Labor
Corporate Culture in Outsourcing Labor Kevin Beckett, the newly appointed third generation CEO of R. W. Beckett Corporation, has a difficult decision. Company profit margins are decreasing. He must act to save the business his grandfather started back in 1937 (Cafferky, 2012, p. 594). He is considering outsourcing the company’s most valuable asset, their employees. … Read more
Product and service design
Product and service design What is meant by the term life cycle? Why would this be a consideration in product and service design? Solution preview for the order on product and service design APA 349 words
Psychosocial assessment
Psychosocial assessment Strengths, Needs, and Cultural Assessment and Treatment Plan Often in Human Services, it is helpful to obtain background information on your clients. This is often done via a psychosocial assessment. However, there are various approaches in obtaining this information. One common approach when working with families is referred to as the Strengths, Needs, … Read more
Computer crimes in Alabama
Computer crimes in Alabama Laws relating to computer technology has gone through a couple of incarnations . First , how the laws that deal with computer crimes in Alabama changed ( past to present ) ? Second , as a citizen or a business in Alabama , what can you say about law enforcement and … Read more
Child’s strengths and challenges
Child’s strengths and challenges In 300-500 words, summarize the observation and analyze the child’s strengths and challenges. Include what methods the classroom teacher uses to address the developmental skills for the child observed. Include the following skills: Developmental-behavioral; Self-care, adaptive, independence; Social development; Speech, language, communication; and Pre-academic and cognitive learning. Solution preview for the … Read more
Nutritional deficiency and nutritional excess
Nutritional deficiency and nutritional excess Make comment to text below. included reference and citation as you need it. According to Mwaruwa (2016), nutrition is a major influencing factor in overall health and an affordable means of primary prevention as well as management (secondary prevention) of many chronic diseases. Nutritional deficiency and nutritional excess play a … Read more
Nutrition Discuss why nutrition is a central component in health promotion. What are some of the nutritional challenges for emerging populations? What roles do nutritional deficiency and nutritional excess play in disease? Solution preview for the order on nutrition APA 253 words
Phenomenological approach to qualitative research
Phenomenological approach to qualitative research Phenomenology: The goal of the phenomenological approach to qualitative research is to describe accurately lived experiences of people, and to not generate theories or models of the phenomenon being studied. Since the primary source of the data is the live world of the individual being studied, interviews are the most … Read more
Process of identifying children with special needs
Process of identifying children with special needs Interview a school psychologist and/or school employee who are involved in the process of identifying children with special needs. Include the following: What is the identification process for birth to preschool and kindergarten to third grade? What are the assessments used for identification? What is the family involvement … Read more
Civilizing mission
Civilizing mission Prompt: How do the words of Kipling’s poem and the images in the advertisement articulate the values behind the “civilizing mission”? How did this idea serve as a motivating force in Europe’s Scramble for Africa and the growth of its colonial empires around the world? essay_prompts_1 20181106200404essay_prompts_1 Solution preview for the order on civilizing … Read more
Effects of a natural disaster
Effects of a natural disaster Write about the effects of a natural disaster on a city or town Write about tornado,3 idea is 1.people are in dangers 2.economic losses 3.rebuild ,250 words – 300 words Solution preview for the order on effects of a natural disaster APA 327 words
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene approach
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene approach QUESTION 1 You are a security director for a major transportation facility (such as an airport, seaport, or railroad complex). You have received reliable reports alleging that one of your line level security officers is addicted to a controlled substance and is often seen frequenting known locations in the city where illegal … Read more
Discuss the nonverbal communication
Discuss the nonverbal communication Students are to observe two or more adults unknown to the observer. The student must not be able to hear the subjects being observed and those being observed must not be wearing a uniform of any kind as this would provide information about their occupation to the observer. Students must describe … Read more
Government subsidy for education
Government subsidy for education At the end of this activity, you will have examined economic reasons for and against a government subsidy for education. All U.S. states subsidize education for college students, usually by charging below-cost tuition fees. Nearly free tuition is available in many European countries and has been proposed in California. Should the … Read more
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Chief executive officer (CEO) Beranger has recognized that you are an expert in regards to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and would like you to hire you as Silver Creek Hospital’s first HIPAA Compliance Officer. As you begin your new role, CEO Beranger discusses with you … Read more
Analytics Ecosystem
Analytics Ecosystem Conduct some independent research on the analytics ecosystem. Write a 1-2 page APA formatted paper with citations and references that defines the nine clusters of the ecosystem. Within your paper, identify which clusters represent technology developers and which clusters represent technology users. Use smart art to illustrate the major differences between these two … Read more
Security awareness policy
Security awareness policy Best Practices for User Policies How does using a security awareness policy (SAP) can increase the level of security understanding within the organization? What are the various key items that must be included in the SAP? This discussion should incorporate the two most important practices and explain why they are so highly … Read more
Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness Q:Find a case study showing how social media can be used for situational awareness, instruction or preparedness activities and discuss. 1)Situational awareness refers to the ability perceive events and environmental elements according to the time and space, what they mean and being able to project their status in the future. Situational awareness is … Read more
Ways social media works as a globalizing force
Ways social media works as a globalizing force Analyze the phenomenon of Facebook and Twitter, and discuss in what ways social media works as a globalizing force. You should explain what the positive and negative cultural implications social media like these have, and give examples. This paper should be 1-2 pages, in APA style, utilizing … Read more
School in the community
School in the community Tameka is a 45-year-old divorced mother whose two children are now older, married, and living in another state. Tameka has worked two jobs for years while she put her two daughters through a private high school in her community. Both daughters were good students and took advantage of Tameka’s guidance and … Read more
Human Services professional
Human Services professional For this week’s reflection journal entry, reflect on what you have learned in this module about terminating services with a client and developing as a Human Services professional. How will these strategies impact your work in the Human Services field? What are some skills that you still need to work on developing? … Read more
Security Policy Creation
Security Policy Creation Read the following Scenario You are appointed as an information technology (IT) security manager in the XYZ health care organization. This large, publicly traded health care organization has 25 sites across the region with 2,000 staff members and thousands of patients. Sean, your manager, has asked you to analyze the current state … Read more
Court of Public Opinion
Court of Public Opinion Case of Global Ethics vs. Global Economy This is a case that will be tried in the court of Public Opinion. Good Clothes Company, a United States corporation, buys clothing assembled by Beta, LTD., a foreign company that employs young children for long hours and low pay. Beta’s nation does not enforce … Read more
Cultural competency in nursing practice
Cultural competency in nursing practice What are the methods a nurse can use to gather cultural information from patients? How does cultural competence relate to better patient care? Discuss the ways in which a nurse demonstrates cultural competency in nursing practice. Solution preview for the order on cultural competency in nursing practice APA 187 words
Communication plan
Communication plan Develop a communication plan to support a family in your program or the mock family described below. Your communication plan will need to include two or more of the following communication methods: Planned Conferences, Unplanned Conferences, Phone Calls, Journaling, Email, Social Media, and/or Home Visits Mock Family: Sam is a toddler at a … Read more
Critical infrastructure of personal interest
Critical infrastructure of personal interest DB: Identify a critical infrastructure of personal interest to you and research known vulnerabilities to such an infrastructure from a WMD attack. DB: Why have some terrorist groups shown an interest in WMD, while many others have not? Of the four categories of WMD, which do you think is the … Read more
Technology Influences
Technology Influences Assignment 3: Technology Influences Due Week 5 and worth 120 points Considering your chosen topic “Prisons/ Corrections- Example: Overcrowding”, write a two (2) page paper in which you: Discuss how technologies or information systems have contributed to the problem. Discuss how you will propose technology be implemented into the solution. Use at least … Read more
Obesity Defined
Obesity Defined Different levels of health promotion (primary, secondary, tertiary). Obesity Defined According to The Obesity Medicine Associations the definition of obesity is, “a chronic, relapsing, multifactorial, neurobehavioral disease, where an increase in body fat promotes adipose tissue dysfunction and abnormal fat mass physical forces, resulting in adverse metabolic, biomechanical and psychosocial health consequences”Wow! I did not know that it … Read more
Levels of health promotion
Levels of health promotion Write a comment base on the text below. Include reference and citation if need it. The three different levels of health promotion primary, secondary, and tertiary vary in the roles they play. Primary prevention occurs before anything has begun. Examples of primary prevention include; vaccinations, wellness visits, and annual exams. Keeping … Read more
Asian-American culture
Asian-American culture Write a comment base on the text below. Include reference and citation in case you need it. Many cultures have preferences concerning their diet: African Americans traditionally pass down recipes for “soul food”. This type of food consists of starches, cornbreads, greens, hoppin john (rice and black eyed peas), succotash (corn and lima … Read more
Amendment Applications
Amendment Applications INTRODUCTION The debate surrounding the Second Amendment right to bear arms has manifested in all branches of our government. After the recent school and movie theater shootings, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke on the Second Amendment. We also saw bills proposed by legislatures associated with Second Amendment interpretations. Courts have been line-drawing through … Read more
Early Childhood Development and Curriculum
Early Childhood Development and Curriculum There are TWO parts: PART 1:Early Childhood Development and Curriculum Select an age group of young children (0-2, 3-5, 6-8). Using your text and at least one additional resource, describe how developmental characteristics of this group influence curriculum decisions to best meet their needs and interests. Be sure to address … Read more
Democratic political system
Democratic political system Instructions: View the video (tedtalk: What if we replaced politicians with randomly selected people?) and write a 200 word response to the key questions that is shown above. Make sure to explain your thoughts and provide examples. Make sure that this is your original work. ( No plagiarism) Link:… Solution preview for … Read more
Market an existing product or service
Market an existing product or service Put yourself in the position of a marketer who wants to market an existing product or service. How you will market your product using a new strategy (branding, promotion, new market, etc.) with a focus on the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) strategies to company executives to invest in … Read more
Health screening and health promotion behaviors
Health screening and health promotion behaviors Please Write a comment base on the text below. Include reference and citation in case you need it. Health care used be about curing illnesses as they appeared now health care is about prevention. Patient education now happens in a variety of settings. Nurses are now teaching healthy behaviors … Read more
Tax rule and scriptural support
Tax rule and scriptural support Read the “Would You Sign This Tax Return?” Answer this question, providing both the tax rule and scriptural support for your decision. week_2 (1) Solution preview for the order on tax rule and scriptural support APA 447 words
Business Law
Business Law Choose one of the options below for discussion. Be sure to elaborate and explain. CASE 7-2: United States of America v. Park (p. 166 in the text) Do you think that Parks should have been charged with a criminal offense when he was not directly running the warehouse where the contaminated food was … Read more
Understanding of Criminal Law
Understanding of Criminal Law 500 words, APA in text citation and references Select the essay that you found most interesting or most helpful in your everyday work, life or in your understanding of Criminal Law. Please respond to the student who submitted that essay and explain why you found that essay most helpful. tsmith___crimlaw_assignment_1 Solution … Read more