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Community Teaching Plan

Community Teaching Plan Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include: Summary of teaching plan Epidemiological rationale for topic Evaluation of teaching experience Community response to teaching Areas of strengths and areas of improvement Prepare this assignment according … Read more

How does Sartre, in his essay “Black Orpheus,” define the poetic-political movement of Negritude?

How does Sartre, in his essay “Black Orpheus,” define the poetic-political movement of Negritude? Your account of this definition should reference, and reflect your engagement with, writings by Damas, Césaire, and Senghor. 974 Words MLA

An Argument on Food Waste in America

An Argument on Food Waste in America Compose an essay, between 4-6 pages in length, which presents an argument about the causes and effects of food waste in the United States and presents possible solutions to the crisis. More Specifically: Identify a narrowed topic and develop an argument about that topic Be well organized and … Read more

Announcing contract award and responsibilities of the contracting officers’ representative

Announcing contract award and responsibilities of the contracting officers’ representative Imagine that you are working on a project to purchase 5,000 electrical generators with an electrical capacity of three (3) kilowatts and will be used by the U.S. Army for battlefield communications systems. Choose to respond to this scenario from a government or a contractor … Read more

Principle of Terrorism

Principle of Terrorism final paper project for principle of terrorism Cyber-terrorism The dangerously of it & how we could be able “Deterring and Dissuading It should include attacks, analysis of case ,studies try to cover every aspect of it as possible should have at least 15 references, 10 from peer-reviewed journals, absent instructor authorization for … Read more

Choose any venture idea you would like to undertake and provide the following

Choose any venture idea you would like to undertake and provide the following Choose any venture idea you would like to undertake and provide the following: 1-Brief explanation of the idea and what are the consumers’ needs it will address (200-300 words) (1 mark). 2-Evaluate the financial potential of the idea with proper and realistic … Read more

Comparison between People of Indian Heritage, People of Turkish Heritage and People of Vietnamese Heritage.

Comparison between People of Indian Heritage, People of Turkish Heritage and People of Vietnamese Heritage. Present a 900-word essay without counting the first and last page discussing the cultural health care beliefs of the study heritages and how they influence the delivery of evidence-based health care. You must cite at least 3 evidence-based references without counting the … Read more

Analyze the Implications of an Ethical Issue According to the Christian Worldview

Analyze the Implications of an Ethical Issue According to the Christian Worldview In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to the Christian worldview. You will be challenged to think about Christian worldview core beliefs and apply what you have learned over this course. This will be a thorough analysis … Read more

Complete Template for Term : Organic Farming

Complete Template for Term : Organic Farming Define the term thoroughly, in your own words. Explain the importance of the term using evidence. Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world. Suggest two specific actions that can be taken to promote environmental sustainability in relation to the term. Explain exactly how those … Read more

How is a computer network like a social network

How is a computer network like a social network In this task, you will learn about this subject and then teach it to a friend. How is a computer network like a social network? What are the attributes they share? How are they different? Read the prompt carefully and research an answer Try explaining the … Read more

Discuss how the field of criminology has studied the link between nutrition and criminality. Explain some research results.

Discuss how the field of criminology has studied the link between nutrition and criminality. Explain some research results. Need 500-600 words Must have intro/body/conclusion and cite references in the text (APA Style) Use attachments as content as well as citing within text with page numbers of attachments used Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction Frank Schmalleger, … Read more

Andrew Jackson’s Veto of bill for the second bank of US

Andrew Jackson’s Veto of bill for the second bank of US Using the excerpt below, form an argument agreeing or disagreeing with Andrew Jackson’s philosophy of government. Must include at least 10 historical people, places, or events etc. to support argument. 2 pages. No plagiarism. [10] . . . It is to be regretted that … Read more

International Business

International Business 1. Is there a difference between domestic and international marketing? What factors should be considered in a global marketing strategy? Justify answers! 2. Exporting plays a big role in international business. Research and explain the “pitfalls of exporting” and the “strategic role” of foreign factories. Which of the two is easier? 3.Most students … Read more

Forensic Analysis

Forensic Analysis Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights Investigations Visit the Archaeology Channel at (Links to an external site.) and watch the video titled Following Antigone (email me if the link doesn’t work – sometimes you can locate the video on youtube too). This film tells how forensic sciences and archaeology have been used to investigate international human-rights … Read more

Read Requirements and Response

Read Requirements and Response 1. RESEARCH: Research the etymology of a word or phrase that holds significance or amusement for you. 2. HAIR ON FIRE: Write about a time in your life in which you were so panicked that it was as if your hair were on fire. 3. FORBIDDEN FRUIT: Write about a time you did … Read more

Complete the “Personal Values” worksheet.

Complete the “Personal Values” worksheet. Complete the “Personal Values” worksheet. Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Use only sources found at the GCU Library, government websites, or those provided in Topic Materials. This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning … Read more

I am a nursing student . I have to write about my clinical day in a hospital setting. The floor that i am doing my clinical is called ORTHOPEDIC

I am a nursing student . I have to write about my clinical day in a hospital setting. The floor that i am doing my clinical is called ORTHOPEDIC I  am a nursing student . i have to write about my clinical day in a hospital setting. the floor that im doing my clinical is … Read more

Essay 3 Galton and Nietzsche

Essay 3 Galton and Nietzsche 2 p. min. double space. You are not obliged to use any outside literature. Simply write what the reading material is about. What’s going on there? Who is (if anyone) involved? What do you think the author is trying to say? Do you agree with him/her if yes/no why? What … Read more

Jury Assignment

Jury Assignment Part 1 The Case of the Disputed Deere FACTS At a farm auction in Georgia, Dick Perez and Anna Lara bid against each other on a Deere II tractor, and Dick bought it for $65,000. At a second auction the same day, Dick bought some equipment that he wanted to add to the … Read more

Write 1000 Words Essay About the Topic

Write 1000 Words Essay About the Topic As a Project management major graduate student, you have been engaged in professional study aiming to deepen your knowledge and grow as a member of your career. Reflect on and evaluate the experiences you have had in your graduate program through following questions. What has been the most compelling … Read more

Business Expansion and Sustainability

Business Expansion and Sustainability In order to complete this assignment, refer to the scenario that you chose in Assignment 1. Assignment 2: Business Expansion and Sustainability Due Week 10 and worth 280 points In order to complete this assignment, refer to the scenario that you chose in Assignment 1. Note: You may create and / or … Read more

TILITARIANISM ESSAY-Philosophy-5-7 Pages

TILITARIANISM ESSAY-Philosophy-5-7 Pages I need a 5-7 page paper All instructions are in the attachments belo 20191206222522utilitarianism_essay_philosophy (1) 1467 Words APA

447 Criticism Paper

447 Criticism Paper Criticism Paper The purpose of this assignment is to apply your understanding of criticism to an actual artefact. The annotated bibliography, production research, and episode notes should help you begin your analysis. They form the background research upon which you’ll base your critique of your television show (MY TV SHOW IS SHERLOCK). … Read more

Choose one or more leadership topic(s) from your textbook or from a scholarly source

Choose one or more leadership topic(s) from your textbook Choose one or more leadership topic(s) from your textbook or from a scholarly source from a previous discussion or assignment from this course and write about its application to nursing practice. Provide definitions, history/background, and major concepts of chosen topic. Describe the topic’s function in nursing … Read more

FOUR assignments: Critical thinking, News article, Discussion post + 2 responses

FOUR assignments: Critical thinking, News article, Discussion post + 2 responses Critical Thinking Assignment “The increased use of technology by the police poses a significant threat to the civil liberties of the public.” Select a position on this debate and prepare an argument on behalf of your position. 500 word minimum. [LO 2,6,&7] Review the Critical … Read more

Essay Assignment

Essay Assignment You are to write an (at least) 800 word Final essay that will be due on Sunday night, December 8th, before mid-night. THIS ESSAY SHOULD HAVE TWO SECTIONS: FIRST In 400 words, choose 7 terms from the textbook that had a significant impact on your understanding of Psychology. Define these terms and tell … Read more

In a considered posting informed by the literature, how would you address the intern’s comments.

In a considered posting informed by the literature, how would you address the intern’s comments. Suggest at least 1 peer reviewed resource In a considered posting informed by the literature, how would you address the intern’s comments. Suggest at least 1 peer reviewed resource that you feel would help the student to develop a greater … Read more

Interview members of two generations of the same family about their family stories

Interview members of two generations of the same family about their family stories For this assignment, you are to interview members of two generations of the same family about their family stories. They cannot be members of your nuclear family but they could be related to you, for example, an aunt and a cousin. The … Read more

How is religions portrayed in the movie in relation to the women characters? What examples from ANY of the class readings can you relate to the movie and its characters? (Use at least 3 examples from the many we read in class AND you should also refer to

How is religions portrayed in the movie in relation to the women characters? What examples from ANY of the class readings can you relate to the movie and its characters? (Use at least 3 examples from the many we read in class AND you should also refer to How is religions portrayed in the movie … Read more

My research topic is The Dred Scott Decision: case of slaves who sued for his freedom in Missouri

My research topic is The Dred Scott Decision: case of slaves who sued for his freedom in Missouri I need a research paper  its on The Dred Scott Decision: case of slaves who sued for his freedom in Missouri. The paper must be thoroughly documented. You must use footnotes or end notes, and they must … Read more

Do we possibly eat too much meat? Not enough? The wrong kinds? Should we make changes to policies around slaughter/packing? Subsidies?

Do we possibly eat too much meat? Not enough? The wrong kinds? Should we make changes to policies around slaughter/packing? Subsidies? to create a white paper addressing American perspectives and policies on food, and advocating some kind of harm-reduction policy relating to meat. Attached is an outline I tried to be as clear as I can … Read more

Advance Nursing Role

Advance Nursing Role Minimum 7 slides with notes (cover or reference page not included) APA norms References not older than 5 years Marketing Plan MSN-prepared nurses must be prepared to market themselves to others so that the key characteristics and contributions of their expertise and the role are recognized and valued in the healthcare environment. … Read more

447 Criticism Paper

447 Criticism Paper Criticism Paper The purpose of this assignment is to apply your understanding of criticism to an actual artefact. The annotated bibliography, production research, and episode notes should help you begin your analysis. They form the background research upon which you’ll base your critique of your television show (MY TV SHOW IS SHERLOCK). … Read more

Principles of Terrorism

Principles of Terrorism need you to work on 4 replies to 3 posts & comment most of it regarding our last work each replies 2 paragraph with reference focuses more on the terrorism more pleas 20191207223827here_we_gooooooo 897 Words APA

Health Policy Knowledge.

Health Policy Knowledge. Minimum 1 full pages (cover or reference page not included) APA norms It will be verified by Turnitin and sSafeAssign References not older than 5 years _________________________________________ Nursing advanced practice can serve as content experts for policymakers and their staff. Discuss methods that you can use to stay current with your health … Read more

IC Written Assignment 5

IC Written Assignment 5 Answer the following assignment questions as completely as possible. 350 words each essay Please number each essay APA Essay 1 In the globalized marketplace, contemporary business leaders must manage a variety of cultural expectations and adapt them to the workplace. What cultural differences of values and behaviors are most important for … Read more

Gross Development in Infants/Toddlers

Gross Development in Infants/Toddlers A description gross development in infants/toddlers and why it is important to infant/toddler development. Known or suspected causes for a delay in gross development How a delay in this area of development might impact an infant/toddler’s functional skills Describe at least 2 treatments or interventions for infants/toddlers who might be experiencing … Read more

Assignment 5: Public Health Preparedness

Assignment 5: Public Health Preparedness Due Week 10 and worth 200 points You have just been hired as a new Vice President of quality and safety for a full-service 600-bed government healthcare organization. Within your first month on the job, the national security threat level has been raised to Imminent, which means there is a … Read more

Diabetes Management

Diabetes Management identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in adults or children. The article must be relevant to nursing practice. Create a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation on the study’s findings and how they … Read more

Policing Final Paper

Policing Final Paper Topic: Suicide amongst police officers Students will write a research paper on one issue on policing covered in the book. The paper will be in APA format and contain an introduction, the body of the research, and a conclusion. The paper must contain in-text citations from at least three sources. Must be … Read more

Domestic Terrorist Groups

Domestic Terrorist Group Select one of the following four domestic terrorist groups: KKK, Black Panthers, Weathermen, and Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional. Analyze the group based on your readings this week. If necessary, conduct research to analyze the group. You can use the South University Online Library databases to conduct your research. After analyzing the … Read more

Intro to U.S Government, Essay

Intro to U.S Government, Essay Explain how partisan party politics has shaped current public opinions about Congress? Consider the role that party politics play in the following as you answer the question: the policymaking process; how it has challenged our understanding of checks and balances; and how well parties represent voters. How can partisan politics … Read more

ADV Org Written Assignment 5

ADV Org Written Assignment 5 In this paper, you will examine cultural changes within an organization. Using an organization you are familiar with, observe and review cultural changes within the organization with an eye to preparing a summary/analysis that includes the following: Identify and discuss the cultural changes that have taken place in the organization … Read more

Critical Book Review

Critical Book Review A critical book review  is a thoughtful discussion of a texts’ contents, strengths, and limitations. A book review should reflect your capacity to read critically and to evaluate an author’s arguments and evidence. Compose your review—of “No Matter How Loud I Shout: A Year in the Life of Juvenile Court”—as you would … Read more

What is the point of lustration as a post war policy? how can it go wrong?

What is the point of lustration as a post war policy? how can it go wrong? Requirement of the first one paper: What is the point of lustration as a post war policy? how can it go wrong? What are the best ways to avoid these pitfalls? Based on the Standard Encyclopedia article section on lustration … Read more

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance website contains a number of resources nurses could DISCUSSION The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance website contains a number of resources nurses could innovatively incorporate in care delivery. The CDC Wonder site could be utilized by nurses … Read more

This essay is about comparing one movie to one of three different themes that are in prompt picture. We have to chose the main character in one of the stories and explain why the story illustrates to the theme you chose.

This essay is about comparing one movie to one of three different themes that are in prompt picture. We have to chose the main character in one of the stories and explain why the story illustrates to the theme you chose. Typed 12 point times new Roman font 5 pages double spaced 1inch margins Works … Read more

CORE Imagining Europe Brexit paper

CORE Imagining Europe Brexit paper Brexit press journal and summary paper. We have the (mis?)fortune of this class taking place during the run up to 31 October 2019, the date of Britain’s scheduled exit from the European Union. You will choose a news source(BBC, Times, Washington post, etc) and follow news coverage of Brexit in … Read more

Essay Question

Essay Question Choose one as an essay topic: The texts for these topics are found in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics Books Eight and Nine. TOPIC ONE: What is friendship (philia)? What are the marks by which friendship is defined (IX, 4)? What is the beginning of friendship (IX, 5)? What is the relationship of friendship to concord (IX, … Read more

Topic : Activity based costing and management

Topic : Activity based costing and management Now that we are almost halfway through the course and you are working on the first graded problem set this week I would like you to reflect back on what you have learned over the last six weeks. In your post please share a topic we have studied … Read more